I would like friends. Friends would be good. Maybe local friends. I have many friends I enjoy but they perhaps are far away. People who call me up and are like "hey lets get coffe and talk about hyenas" The psycho quota has been filled so positions are no longer available, but perhaps you will find a place in the various categories... listed bellow.
I think I'm just going to make a continuing list and just add kinds of people i like as I go.
Dog people.
I'm looking for a pianist. Not for any reason in particular... just so they can sit around and play. A cellist works too. I'd even settle for acoustic guitar.
People with unusual talents and missing fingers.
People who believe in the power of hugs.
People who want to give me money... for sex... i mean art.
Stalkers... I miss a good stalker.
Alcoholics... really smart alcoholics... cause then they have some awesome things to say when their drunk and we have amazing conversations.
People who pick up their phone.
Girls who wear overalls.
People who can consider folding clothes and cleaning my room good quality time. I'm serious.
Oh yea, I'm also in need of a secretary. Like bad. It's not that I can't do it but it takes me ten times as long as normal people and I'm going to go mad. I don't have money but I'll work something out. Details to come.
Did I mention psychos?
Buisiness people, because I am not one.
People who give me hand me down clothes.
Other smart asses
People with an unconventional sense of humor.
Human beings who have a conscience.
Cynical poets... who still end up writing about love.
People with unharnessed ambition.
People who can be different without it having to be a disease.
People who can relate to children... or at least want to.
People who miss being children.
People who like to hit small animals with their cars.Did I say that out loud... I meant clowns. I like clowns.
No I don't...
Aww, Fuck.
Elton John is god. I am his minion. Billy Joel. And then some of everything else.
Ones that end. Closure.
Law and Order. CSI. Dexter. Nip/Tuck. In Plain Sight. Family Guy. Futurama. And Drawn Together when it's really late and I'm drunk.
I like books that make me want to get up and do something. Also stuff concerning the brain.
Myself. When I grow up, I wanna be just like me.