OK ALL YOU IDIOTS THAT TALK LIKE YOUR ALL GHETTOPHYED.. PLEASE DONT MESSAGE ME.. WUTS GUD? THAT MAKES NO SENSE... THERES ALOT OF THINGS THAT ARE GOOD LIKE PONYS AND POPSICLES AND POPCORN .. AND WHAT IS THE POINT IN SAYING 1 AT THE END OF YOUR CONVERSATION??? DAMNIT THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF... OH AND IM NOT ALL THAT JUDGMENTAL AT ALL BUT DUDE SERIOUSLY IF YOUR ALL NASTY AND GROSS AND SHIT THEN PLEASE DONT TALK TO ME BECAUSE IT WILL JUST RESULT IN ME HURTING YOUR FEELINGS... SORRY DUDES BUT THATS JUST HOW IT IS.. I would trade all of my tomorrows for one single yesterday~ I dont like hash, dont like rap, kicked old Sally cuz shes fat, Im a jerk, im a punk, took a shower cuz I stunk, smoked a bong, killed a cat, had my nuts attacked by rats, dad got nude, wore a thong, for a hobby I make bombs~ Now and then I like to feel good~ If Im leaving with a broken heart your leaving with a bleeding nose~ If you wanna know Ill tell you whats up and if you dont like it WHATEVER PEACE YOUR CUT~ Ya kno like whatever I do what I want~ I LOVE NEW JERSEY ~ Point Pleasant Jersey shore~ Rock on~ Tampas alright~ Dunedins cute =] South Carolina's SOUTHERN hahahahahah Nigga fuck yo Couch!!! The Weather Is Here I Wish You Were Beautiful~ I like pina colladas and getting caught in the rain, Im not much into health food , I am into champagne I like making love at midnight and I have half a brain~ AfroMan likes tall cans~ Hello I love you wont you tell me your name???~ I am the lizard king I can do anything!!!~ I just wanna DANCE!!!~ will you put your pencil in my pocket?~ We got older but were still young, the worst is over, you can have the best of me~ Yo Im stoppin with the coke, never done dope , Im gettin drug tested so i gotta stop the smoke, I really wish I was a good girl, but the weed is every where in this world, I havent been sober in like three years , its gonna be hard , Ill be in tears, my ears are gonna pop , their never gonna stop, gotta watch what I do Im gonna stay in school, I wont get in trouble , Its gonna be cool, but as soon as the drug tests are over, there aint no way im gonna stay sober, I should stop with the shit , but its really hard to quit, you dont do durgs, the drugs do you, nothing the pigs can do , about drug abuse, 18 is the age I wanna be , what the hell is there to do when your 16, I just wanna go out, party, and have fun , but my parents dont agree with that , for one , and two, I really need to do good in school, cant drop out , cant be considered a fool! hahhahaha one of the many!!!!!! I wrote that when i was 16 along with a bunch of other really crazy shit haha One LoVE~* so yah bitches and hoes dont kno how it is when shit goes down to the ground and panties come off and people get screwed SSSSSSorry if you think im rude but i like to go out in the nude and make up crewd rhymes and say them from time to time so i used to work at the lobster and sell people chops take a cig from the box and ill smoke it in black socks i wish to work i cud wear flip flops and sell rocks and rolls and smoke out of glass bowls and blunts and i can rhyme about 40s and bitches y? y not! cuz im hott sexy lady hellz yah im crazy ITS BEEN FUN BUT IM ALL DONE***SUPPORT ANARCHY***
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