Samuel profile picture


This site is run by a phony. I hate phonies (phonys?)

About Me

Its a its a mind sock. You're in a brain jail and you will never get out.I live near the sea in Wellington New Zealand. Wellington is the research hub for most studies relating to the giant squid. Also its cold here right now. I love coffee. I have a solo album just out, yep. My main joy in life is The Phoenix Foundation. i like to wear clean socks most days. check out Hunt Brings Us Life is out now on Loop and can purchased by mail order or for foreigners. I recomend buying it from Slowboat, Marbecks or Real Groovy.

My music can be found at;

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by

My Interests

The subtleties of microphone placement, watching rugby, buying drums, bells palsy, boring movies, crappy homemade gig posters, tea

I'd like to meet:

my main man Sal from round the way for a toastie pie and cup are charcoal water. Spruce me up bonjo style by Jimminey.


Is Ok dokey.


Down By Law, Solaris (the original duh), Delicatesson, Black Cat-White Cat, Breathless, Rear Window, Zoolander.. width="425" height="350" ..


The cooking chef
You Are Rowlf the Dog
Mellow and serious, you enjoy time alone cultivating your talents.
You're a cool dog, and you always present a relaxed vibe.
A talented pianist, you can play almost anything - especially songs by Beethoven.
"My bark is worse than my bite, and my piano playing beats 'em both." The Muppet Personality Test


I recently very much enjoyed re-reading Breakfast of Champions. I am currently reading The Vintners Luck.


Masons. I think they look great in there robes. I wish I was a mason.

My Blog


So Friday was a mad atempt to see three bands in diferent venues in one night. First on my list was Leila Adu who's latest album Cheery Pie, is awesome. Unfortunatley I got too drunk at Craigs house a...
Posted by Samuel on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 05:21:00 PST

phoenix toours and info etc

HA HA HA...the most boring blog ever..its a press release with phoenix info!so first of all we are playing Wellington on the 6th of May at Indigo (the San Francisco Bath House) and Auckland on the 19t...
Posted by Samuel on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 05:12:00 PST

sydney shmydney

howdy fri-ends,so i went to sydney for the weekend to see my brothers, Ned and Jake and of course Neds wife Dins. We had a groovy time taking photos for my album cover and press and shit. Jake was tak...
Posted by Samuel on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 04:55:00 PST


So i mastered my new (and in fact first...solo at least) album on friday. Thanks to Mike Gibson, you have ears of gold. Its the culmination of a lot of work by many people so it a bit wierd to say its...
Posted by Samuel on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 03:16:00 PST

Moz versus the boss

everytime i see the 'view all my friends' button i get that morrisey song 'Now My Heart Is Full' from his best album Vauxhall and I in my headTell all of my friends(I don't have too manyJust some rain...
Posted by Samuel on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 02:22:00 PST

I aint afraid of no blog...

My lazy band blog/forum ..ya see I'm not very good at keeping up with the blog stuff. But i sometimes get around to posting stuff here on our bands site. The general forums are much more lively tha...
Posted by Samuel on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 02:03:00 PST