♡ J A M I E profile picture

♡ J A M I E

break those chains that bind you

About Me

→ only FRIENDS can view all my pictures. so to see them, add me. it's that simple.
→ www.jamie-music.com that's my website. go to it.
→ i sing. not model, SING.
→ my boyfriend is better than anyone in the world.
→ my name is jamie o'brien. it's not hard to spell.
→ my goal is to live forever. so far, so good.
→ myspace.com/officialjamieobrien - my music myspace. yes, i have one.
→ i am a HOLLYWOOD girl - born & raised
→ i don't eat sushi. ewww.
→ i HATE when people steal shit from my page and put it on theirs. don't you have your own imagination?!
→ i play at the Playboy Mansion sometimes.
→ no, i can't get you in. STOP ASKING!
→ i'm usually the one making people laugh
→ i love the movie 'glitter' so don't talk to me if you think that's lame
→ i don't trust you. i don't care who you are
→ i love boobs. a lot
→ if i could live at Taco Bell, i would.
→ i am the ONLY one who runs this page. so yes, i see everything you post cause hello, i have to accept [or deny] it. duh.
→ i believe in God
→ i will probably be the most ridiculous person you've ever met
→ giraffes are my favorite.
→ i'm sarcastic as hell. don't cry about it.
→ i've never had a cigarette in my life & i never will
→ i do NOT drive. period
→ i get the urge to laugh @ the most inappropriate times
→ i've never done drugs, & have absolutely no desire to
→ i ALWAYS have to pee
→ if you're gay, i automatically love you. unless you're chris crocker. then you're just gay.
→ i love my family & friends to no end, they mean the world to me
→ i have a dirty fucking mouth
→ cheesecake always wins
→ i will whoop your sorry ass in pop culture trivia
→ i have a weakness for love songs & hot boys who can sing them
→ i have OCD
→ i'm arachnaphobic
→ apparently i'm a hypochondriac
→ i'm easily amused
→ i'm a hopeless romantic - but i'm almost impossible to catch
→ "scene kids" piss me off
→ i'm a fun girl & i have a good time wherever i am
→ it takes me a few tries to pronounce 'rhinoceros' correctly. ALWAYS.
→ i always want what i can't have. but eventually i get it ;-]
→ i prefer to be optimistic
→ i am dumbfounded by how many of you don't know how to fucking spell. like seriously.
→ once i start laughing, it's nearly impossible for me to stop
→ i snore. sometimes.
→ i have zero tolerance for intended ignorance
→ my dog means more to me than most people i know
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the rules i have for messaging me, leaving comments, picture comments etc. i have them for a reason, and the reason is NOT to be ignored.
By the way, the graphic is old, like 2 years old. But for the most part, the rules all still apply.
i love getting fan mail, cards, gifts and things and i ALWAYS show appreciation when gifts are received! [I also get a lot of requests for autographed pictures and where to get them, so please check out the www.jamie-music.com store to find out how to snag one!]
You can also check out my wishlists here:
[click click click]
[click click click]
If you are interested in sending fanmail or gifts, please contact me and I will direct you where to send it :-]
[find out the info by clicking on either one]
listen. i am not a model. i am a SINGER. and sometimes i make funny videos. let's just get that out of the way. i do not model, singers DO take professional pictures, you know. it's part of that whole FAME thing. hey fuck off, i'm famous if i say so. and i just said it so it's so :-] i'm pretty sure that girl you saw on MTV was me. no, really. they whore me out more than my pimp. i'm always like "no MTV, i don't want to do ANOTHER lame show!" but i'm still called. and you know what? i still do it. cause i like money. i want more of it. i don't like watching the discovery channel cause i hate seeing poor little animals getting tackled and eaten. but damn, i love taco bell. it might [or might not] interest you to know that sealife freaks me the fuck out. fish? no thanks. whales?! get the hell out of here. i'm not down with airplane turbulence but i am down with cheez its. irrelavent? mahh. 'america's funniest home videos' is the only thing i can watch on tv that will make me laugh so hard i cry. i'm not a fan of people who wear way too much perfume or cologne, especially if it doesn't even smell good. i like some things, and i don't like others. i have this thing about washing my hands. i do it all the time. so should you. dirty people! sometimes i burp so loudly that windows rattle. walls shake, and little children run away crying. and yes, i do it in public. i often also greet people that way. sometimes i find random bruises on my body and have no idea how they got there. some say it's because i have low iron in my body, but i eat WAY too much meat for that to be true. and they never start hurting until AFTER i discover them. i guess in a case like bruises ignorance really can be bliss. people often confuse me with adriana lima. sometimes jessica alba. but most of the time alessandra ambrosio. don't worry, i'm sure they enjoy the compliments ;-] in case you were wondering, that's sarcasm. that's right, that word does NOT have an 'i' in it. trust me. on that note, it would be fabulous if 99% of you went back to the first grade and re-learned English. thanks. i love super mario world but i've found i can't play it anymore because i get too anxious and competitive. yeah, it's bananas. i find it so incredibly amusing when some of you get all butthurt that i don't comment back to you. first of all, the second you tell or ask me to, it automatically puts the 'nope, not gonna' into my head. that's right, i turn to "brat" mode. so, wrong move number one. and B, look .... i have over 100,000 friends. don't be so selfish! isn't that a sin? i mean i'm not up to date with Bible 101 but, well if it's not it should be. i try to message and comment back when i can, just wait it out! oh and please stop giving me your phone numbers. especially you geniuses who leave it in comments. come on, seriously?! let me explain somethin to you, folks ... 1. i'm not gonna call it. plain and simple. well, maybe. 2. who the hell gives out their number on the internet for everyone to see?! where have all the smart people gone??!! i can't help it if you become totally infatuated with me. it kind of comes with knowing me. there it is again! damn, me and my sarcasm. wait ... my sarcasm and i*. yeah. who wants a sandwich ... ?!
if you want more information on me, then please check out my website:
help support me by copying the text and putting these banners on your profile!
more banners coming soon!
» » Let's go a little deeper:
i feel that life gives me lessons i'd rather not deal with; but without them i wouldn't be who i am. my guard is always up. it takes a lot to break down my walls. i don't think anyone TRULY knows the real me. i'd rather stay at home with a movie & blanket than go out & inhale everyone else's secondhand smoke. i'm too forgiving sometimes. i've got skeletons in my closet that i'm sure will come out to haunt me one day. i'm bracing myself for that. i've never been one to "fit in", but i was never one to "stand out". i've always been somewhat inbetween. i'm isolated & obscure. my sense of humor is unique & twisted ... & only some understand it. my standards are enormously high, so congratulations if you even come close to meeting them. the mirror is my best friend & my worst enemy. my facade is always bright & misleading. don't let a smile fool you. i'm hard on myself because it helps subside my insecurities. i come off harder than i really am. i'm a fighter ... but i'm a much better lover. welcome friends, to the most amazing show on Earth .....
Who I'd like to meet:
people i have already met:
people i would like to meet:

My Interests

mon amore:

singing - writing - dancing - i love lucy - tacos - gushers - guitar hero - wii - my puppy - tanning - laughing - things that smell good - sun - rain - movies - the elderly - babies - friends - hollywood - music - playing - living

↑ ugh stupid thing, myspace fucked my page up and this had to reset, when it used to say 'Record: 1,328'. Grr...

I'd like to meet:

I have 127326 friends.



















ELVIS - ray lamontagne - one republic - timbaland - prince - curtis peoples - aly & aj - whitney houston - foreigner - martina mcbride +++ many more. it doesn't take much to make me happy musically. just TALENT. There is a special place in my heart for 80's ... mainly 80's rock. but anything 80's will do. JOURNEY is the essence of my being. you heard me. def leppard. queen. the doors. kiss. whitesnake. warrant. rick springfield. oh yes ♥++


For obvious reasons:
straight into darkness - social misfits - nowhere to go - born bad - hook - the river pirates - face the music
Narrowed down list:
the goonies - glitter [don't even] - the holiday - little miss sunshine - eating out [1 & 2] - the secret of nimh - cruel intentions - superbad - sixteen candles - the breakfast club - pretty in pink - drop dead fred - girls! girls! girls! - fast times @ ridgemont high - fear & loathing - broken bridges - chances are - kids - wild hearts can't be broken - powder - the jacksons: an american dream - pretty woman - back to the future - madagascar - smokin aces - just like heaven - pete's dragon - pirates of the caribbean - anchorman - the number 23 - harry potter & the goblet of fire - father of the bride [1 & 2] - garden state - evan almighty - good burger - welcome to the dollhouse - the 40 year old virgin - son in law - norma jean & marilyn - bio dome - wonderland - the virgin suicides - accepted - the sweetest thing - dumb & dumberer - mean girls - elf - napoleon dynamite - crazy/beautiful - blow - grandma's boy - the craft - some like it hot - what ever happened to baby jane? - robin hood: men in tights - the princess bride - pulp fiction ++++++ more more moooorreee


i love lucy - arrested development - nip/tuck - lost - the simpsons - king of the hill - will & grace - scrubs - rock of love - home improvement - ripley's believe it or not - beyond belief: fact or fiction - american idol [you heard me] - roseanne - wings - three's company - pretty much everything on nick @ nite - ellen - mad about you - fresh prince - friends - forensic files - secrets of forensic science - lil bush - whose line is it, anyway ? - planet earth - home movies [on cartoon network] - the girls next door - family guy - E! THS
salute your shorts - adventures in wonderland - eerie indiana - weinerville - doug - rocko's modern life - hey dude - pete & pete - are you afraid of the dark? - my little pony tales - space cases - alex mack - david the gnome - welcome freshmen - today's special - ocean girl - etc ...
Shows you might've seen me on:
Next - MTV
My Own [Kelly Clarkson] - MTV
Tyra Banks Show
Idol Tonight
Beauty & The Geek
dozens of other small things .... & more to come


anything & everything by sylvia browne - why do men have nipples? - why do men fall asleep after sex? - rachel's tears - the 'pretty little liars' series - stop dressing your 6 year old daughter like a skank - the dog dialed 911 - secrets of my hollywood life - dissecting death - stiff - life in the fat lane - mysteries, forensic cases, if it's interesting, i'll read it.


momma ♥ nana

My Blog

you get to trippin & i`m like so what

  Time for another PLOG. Yup, i said plog. This isn..t just an ordinary blog. People have made Vlogs so popular on youtube, right? Well i am "known" for my picture blogs on myspace. Hence, &rsquo...
Posted by a J A M I E on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 04:44:00 PST

I`ll let you whip me if i misbehaaave

Another one?? So soon?? It`s true. You ready? I hope so.     a couple DISNEYLAND: Only the best ride ever. Yeah and i fuckin rock at it. Check that score.   That`s what i feel like! ...
Posted by a J A M I E on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 05:47:00 PST

Oh for the love of Journey

  You know me. This isn`t the blog for you if you`ve got a super slow internet connection. Trust me. Just exit now. I`m warning you.   For the rest of us properly living in 2006 [almost 2007...
Posted by a J A M I E on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 09:09:00 PST

Don`t be a silly bitch.

  So first of all, I`d like to be the first to say i officially hate myspace. I spent like over 2 hours making this God damn fucking blog and i go to hit 'preview and post' and what do i get?! TH...
Posted by a J A M I E on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:57:00 PST

Keep your drinks, just gimme the money

Holy shit. I hope to GOD my internet connection or myspace doesn`t do anything retarded while i`m making this blog, because it`s gonna be LOOOOONG!!! But if you`re familiar with my blogs, then you kn...
Posted by a J A M I E on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 05:09:00 PST

Hollywood VEINS

Well. Pictures. You know .... it`s what we do best. Well, among other things .....................   HA!   Dial up?? Haha. Good luck with this one, then.   Check it out, scoobs. I`ve go...
Posted by a J A M I E on Fri, 26 May 2006 03:48:00 PST

What`s ya dill, pickle ?!

Finally have some new pics to update you guys with. I had one of those new disposable digital cameras .... and used it up just to get some old pics off it so i ended up with about 6 pictures of my dog...
Posted by a J A M I E on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 02:33:00 PST

Down boy, these treats aren`t for you ( P I C S )

it`s 2006 ... you should have DSL by now ... and if you don`t have dsl, i don`t recommend waiting for this page to load. There are a LOT of pictures, and some of them are big. So for the rest of...
Posted by a J A M I E on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:32:00 PST

Not a virgin anymore

Ummm ... yeah I definitely meant ICE SKATING virgin haha. Wtf do you take me for .... come on, seriously. Anyway .... so I recently went ice skating for the first time ever. (( Okay, whatever ... ice ...
Posted by a J A M I E on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 02:38:00 PST

it doesn`t take much to make me HAPPY

 It dawned on me that i need to remember the little things in life that i appreciate the most. So i composed a list of the things that make me happy & make my heart smile. I understand this b...
Posted by a J A M I E on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 03:39:00 PST