Let me tell you why I developed
particular profile
and then I will share a little bit about
how powerful you really are!
I would like to CONNECT with people in a REAL and AUTHENTIC way. No SWIRL here, but a real and genuine connection with people who have a tried and tested GENUINE desire to improve their lives, and grow in their humanity, while at the same time shedding the throws of Mediocrity and replace it with a constant striving for Excellence: the excellence we truly deserve to enjoy and celebrate every day of our life. I’m looking for people like 'you' who know or are open to the indwelling presence of the One in whose image you are created, the interior power that you have inside of you to manifest the reality of 'your choosing:' Your True Self. You are the kind of people who do not rally around DOUBT. But when you focus your mind, you will accomplish your objectives and realize your life long dreams and will not let anyone or anything stand in your way: especially the 'nae sayers,' or those who choose to embrace NEGATIVITY instead of a 'POSITIVE AND 'HOPEFULL-ATTITUDE OF GRATTITUDE.'
I want you to become more aware and celebrate this day and all the days of your life, with a deeply profound awareness of the infinite power, knowledge, and wisdom that resides in you. And I want you to access that deposit of all the goodness and greatness that resides in you to create who you REALLY ARE and what you REALLY WANT to achieve. You will awaken the Sleeping Giant of goodness, power and the greatness that resides in you and will experience greater fruition and fulfillment the moment you choose to take authority over your life, Create your own REALITY and begin the process of abandoning those 'limiting beliefs' that have been influencing you and directing your life, though unconsciously, almost from the time you drew your very first breath.
I am driven by a core fundamental belief, deep inside of me, that we need to ALIGN ourselves with a greater sense of purpose and the Spirit of Truth …that defines and redefines us each and every waking moment and reveals that truer, more meaningful, and beautiful person who we were created to be and celebrate this AWESOME REALITY.
It is tantamount that we realize TODAY, the need to live a purpose full driven life that is directed by personal intention. I know without a doubt that ALL OF US have this power, and it’s our choice whether or not we want to wake up to it and rise to the occasion of putting our best foot forward in an effort to grow…and use it to live the life we really want to live. It’s as simple as making a GENUINE choice to want more for ourselves…to want real satisfaction and happiness in accepting who we really are…and then being open to the MASSIVE RESULTS bestowed on us as soon as we make that choice. And believe me once you ask for it, well as the saying goes: "be careful what you ask for.
"..But There’s More!"
You are the kind of people who have more than the seeds of WANTING but a deep routed DESIRE and a SSEARCH FOR MEANING inside of you, for something more…SOMETHING GREAT, and need just the right teacher and mentor to get you there.
You Need to 'Get' Altitude?
So Let Me Tell You A Bit About Myself…
I was born in a Northen suburb of Boston, MA. I was something of a silent non-conformist, and I honestly have no idea how I survived the throws of convenciality. The sheer grace of God and a near attempt to embrace coventional linving, God and the universe are the only things that I can attribute my success and achievements to!
I’ve always been an IMMENSELY intense and ANYLITICAL person my whole life…and that intensity has landed me on both sides of the spectrum. I must admit that in an attempt to remain genuine and true to myself, I regret very little: Even when I was doing things that were not always in my best interest, I would have to say that those experiences were teachable moments for me. In fact, I have learned over and over again, that we can learn a great deal from our failures. And God knows I have had my share.
And this somewhat OBSESSIVE intensity that I’ve always had, has landed me in some exciting places and has brought me into the presence of some very influential people. People who you know and have heard a great deal about: people who will be counted amongst the 'best' and the 'greatest' people in history! I went to school for Philosophy, Psychology and Theology because I knew that I wanted to give back to people in some way. I knew I had a calling…and I thought counseling and consoling others would be one way I could fulfill my purpose here. But something just didn’t seem right…Something just didn’t seem complete about working with an organization that somehow by default, tended to embrace MEDIOCRATY rather than EXCELLENCE, or having to go back to school for another 3-48 years to get my PHD and spend another $30,000 just to actually get somewhere in my field of expertise! How could I help people if I wasn’t going to be totally happy with the life that I was living?
My spirit just KNEW something was not quite there.. As an independent thinker, logical and very creative, I learned more from evey day experience and rubbing shoulders with the 'BEST of the BEST:' People who selflessly and generously gave of their lives without counting the cost. People who taught me by example, that there is a lot to learn outside of classroom or just outside the box.
About Our Education System
We are not being Empowered by many of our major educational institutions. And we all feel it! I spent over $250,000 on my undergraduate and graduate education, but unfortunately it was WORTH less then $40,000 a year salary by the time I was finished. And this is becoming COMMON PLACE in our society, especially in light of corporate outsourcing and the constant challenge of rising costs that exceed the average persons cost of living pay raises. People are spending enormous amounts of money on their education, and then get jobs that barely pay them a fraction of what they are worth and what they truly DESERVE. Does this sound all too familiar?
Robert Kiyosaki, in his "Rich Dad Poor Dad" series, (a series that I highly recommend you read) breaks down our existing structures of employment and opportunity into quadrants. His paternal dad, or as he refers to him in his books, his "Poor Dad", was the Superintendent of the Hawii School system, while his "Rich Dad", the father of one of his friends, worked for himself as an investor. Robert points out that our educational institutions primarily train their students to eventually become "Employees" that is working for someone else. In his breakdown of his’ quadrant analyses, he points out that our educational institutions do not give equal time to training and preparing their students to become entrepreneurs or enterprising self starters. That somehow, the latter is not as noble a calling as the "employee syndrome" or working for corporate America which has dominated our economic structure for nearly a century. This is something that resonated with me as I much prefer working for myself but not by myself. I knew that there had to be another way for me to become successful in a way that corresponded with my personality and skill set. It was at this time I was introduced to this INSANE yet addictive home based business industry.
I started my business off with so much intensity that you would of thought I was training to get a position in the board room with Donald Trump. That’s just the way I am . And you wanna hear my massive success story! Right? Well you will just have to wait....as I will get to that. I failed miserably for 14 months straight. I tried everything and anything I could think of to build that enterprise, and NOTHING I tried worked. I was very discouraged and depressed, going broker every day, and still had no idea how I was going to create the wealth that I knew in my heart that my family and I deserved.
On top of that my educational grant ended, and the grace period was over. I had to move away from all my friends, and was basically left with nothing but myself to figure out what was going on. This is the period I like to view as my “being tested like Job" period. It’s when I was making no money, going into more serious credit card debt and everyone was telling me I was crazy for not getting a J.O.B, I had but one very close friend within thousands of miles, and I had no idea how I was going to create the life and realize the dreams I actually wanted to realize. In Spite Of It All I kept Going…I just knew all the negative comments people were uttering was because they didn’t understand the laws of ‘intention’ and the laws of 'attraction' I had yet to realize in the midst of my daily challenges. I knew my friends and family didn’t understand how powerful we really are. And this sacred knowledge I knew…is what honestly kept me going. However, I NEVER stopped believing that I could manifest the reality and the lifestyle I wanted and embrace my true purpose in life and share that with millions of people who hunger for the same.
I continually 'BLASTED’ out my intention to the universe, prayed diligently to God, and remained faithful, and asked for guidance, and show me the information and the right mentor that I needed to move forward in my goals. "Inch by Inch", Step by Step". It was at this time that I began to utilize the technology that has changed the way we conduct business today. Piece by piece I was guided to the internet…and I JUST KNEW the internet held the answers I was looking for. So I began my study of internet marketing. I devoured knowledge from books, CDs, and DVDs I sat in front of my computer for 14 hour days, several days a week just to learn the necessary strategies for successful marketing: a practice that continues to this very day. I am a student of life and a student FOR life. I began to apply the knowledge little by little, pouring my heart and soul and sweat equity into growing my businesses and creating the financial freedom that I longed for. And slowly my earnings went from $100 a month to $300. Then from $300 to $600 all the way up to $3,000. And it is still growing as we speak. I have much to be grateful for especially new friends and fellow entrepreneurs who share my passion for abunt life and want to share all of this with someone like you so you and your family can have all that is available to you for the asking and the choosing for as Jim Rhon: renowned author and life coach, and trainer for personal and business development has often said: "Success Attracts Opportunity" and I believe that this is your time to 'choose' success and choose to "live life to the fullness."
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