Cherylann profile picture


Its a BOY!! ;)

About Me

"Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same." - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish-born English Dramatist, Novelist, Critic
About C. Kwai (in my own words) - I can honestly say that I am a very driven, motivated and goal oriented person. I stand up for what I believe in and never settle for anything less than that. My mentors weren't a specific person, they were women of power and authority. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to surround myself with those types of women to look up to, to be come who I am today. I am, and can say with confidence that I AM a woman of authority in my industry, not because someone put me there, but because I took the initiative and hard work to become that on my own. I was only inspired by my mentors and my mentors did not make me. Even with that said, that was only one goal out of many that I have achieved and I am still not satisfied with where I am at today because I thrive for much more than that. I am all about personal growth and being the best that I can be with whatever I do. My present success is not only based on my personal efforts, but because of the support system that I have within my life. My inner-circle is limited to a few selective individuals, because of the fact that these people in my life have proven to me time and time again that they were worthy of my trust, love and have always supported me through thick and thin. I am blessed to have the life that I have and I can always say that I tried the best that I can do with everything I have ever done in my life. I am the best that I can be because of me.
" All is fair in Love & War"
This is something that i TRUELY believe in...
karma: ..Kar"ma.., n. [Skr.] (Buddhism) One's acts considered as fixing one's lot in the future existence. (Theos.) The doctrine of fate as the inflexible result of cause and effect; the theory of inevitable consequence.

My Interests

- my cat LITTLES
- DirtyMac Entertainment
- Learning about other countries
- Hanging out with friends
- Greeting people in other languages
- A nice friendly game of POKER ;)
- Taking pictures of random things
- Watching TV
- Surfing ( although Ive never tried it, but i would LOVE to)
- Seven Jeans
- Nice restaraunts

- Quotes
- Flip Flops
- Apple computers
- Louis Vuitton
- Mercedes S class or CL
- My Tiger Asics
- Popping my gum
- Being spontaneous
- Reading silly useless facts
- Candy and Chocolate
- Cookies n' Cream ice cream
- Havin a bowl or two *wink*
- Presents
- GOOD surprises
- Did i mention SHOPPING?
- Guys that surf
- Turntables
- Making out to Mazzy Star- Fade Into You
- NetFlix
- Writing music
- Spending time with the people i love ;)
- Vodka w/Grapfruit Juice
- Feeling Special ;)
- Starbucks
- Having FUN
- Staying happy, no matter how bad it gets
- Sweetened Black tea @ Starbucks
- Meeting people from other countries
- Kareoke night
- Acting silly
- Going to the movies
- Browsing around Myspace
- Coronas ;)
- Finding things (not people) to laugh about
- Dares
- Swimming late @ night or early in the morning
- Occasionally skipping town for the heck of it.
- Traveling
- Nice people
- Stars
- Listening to music
- And anything else that may be stimulating ;)

adopt your own virtual pet!
Say Hello to my little friend.

I'd like to meet:

The sweetest thing I've ever known

"In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing." - Mignon McLaughlin (1915~) American Author, Editor
"I'd quickly give my freedom to be held in your captivity."- India Irie

I love you, ♥ GEO ♥ always
(and your mean face!!)
Anyone who can give me one of these things or all of these things; Inspiration, Motivation & Knowledge. As for now, I am completely satisfied with those who are already in my life.
Please NO MUSIC!! I will not approve any comments that contain music ;) Thanks !!


Lauryn Hill
"Loving you is like a song I replay, every three minutes and thirty seconds of everyday.."
I like music in ALLgenres..but some of my faves are...
-The Pharcyde
-The White Stripes
-The Strokes
-Modest Mouse
-The Killers
-Bloc Party
-Green Day
-Death Cab For Cutie
-The Used
-Franz Ferdinand
-Alicia Keys
-Mariah Carey
-Kanye West
-Eric B & Rakim
-Channel Live
-Digable Planets
-Dionne Warwick
-The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
-Frou Frou
-The Postal Service
-Christina Aguilera
-Britney Spears
-Whitney Houston
-Talib Kweli
- Mazzy Star
-Slum Villiage
-The Roots
-Tribe Called Quest
-Black Eyed Peas
-Mobb Deep
-Jay Z
-Ashlee Simpson
-The Invisible Scratch Piklez
-Lauryn Hill
-Al Green
-Beat Junkies
-The Roots
- N.E.R.D.
-Mos Def
-India Arie


"Film is more than the twentieth-century art. It's another part of the twentieth-century mind. It's the world seen from inside. We've come to a certain point in the history of film. If a thing can be filmed, the film is implied in the thing itself. This is where we are. The twentieth century is on film. You have to ask yourself if there's anything about us more important than the fact that we're constantly on film, constantly watching ourselves." - Don Delillo (1926~) American Author
There are so many movies out there that i love, but here are somejust to name a few......
-KILL BILL vol. 1&2
-Requiem for a Dream
-Usual Suspects
-I -Finding Little Nemo
-The Godfather
-Vanilla Sky
-Lost in Translation
-White Oleander
-A Walk to Remember
-Catch Me if you Can
-The Matrix Trilogy
-Boyz in the Hood
-Style Wars
-The Royal Tennenbaums
-Lady Snowblood
- Films by Akira Kurosawa
*Thank u to him for getting me into this.
-Gangs of New York
-Oceans Eleven
-How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
-Pirates of the Carribean
-Edward Scissor Hands
-Pulp Fiction
-Glen Gary, Glen Ross
-Garden State
- And theres more. But who has time to list them all???


"If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners." - Johnny Carson (1925-2005) American Comedian, TV Host
- The O.C.
- Friends
- National Geographic Channel
- I love Lucy
- Sister, Sister
- Full House
- Saved by the Bell
- Discovery Channel
- Nip Tuck
- Bill Cosby
- South Park
- Desperate Housewives
- Laguna Beach
- The Dave Chapelle Show


- The Joy Luck Club
- Making Faces by Kevyn Aucoin
- Does this section also include magazines? if so....i like magz too.


- GOD For He is the one who puts in place the inspirations of my life. "As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit. " -Emmanuel Teney

My Mommy (yes, that picture is her now)
She is the strongest & most beautiful woman I know. I love her beyond eternity.
My dad- cause ill always be his little girl ;)
Brothers- I have 3 of them and they all watch me like a hawk in the sky...i love my fam ;)

My Blog

R.I.P. <33333

Lucky.I love you little kitty. The sweetest kitty i've ever known.Heart break....
Posted by Cherylann on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:27:00 PST

Wanna come to my 2nd Annual Holiday Party?

CHERYL K'S 12.23.06 2ND ANNUAL HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA!! Its going down this Saturday 12.23.06 @ the IVAR in Hollywood! Im going to be giving away lots of stuff from Interscope Records, FIIT Clothing,...
Posted by Cherylann on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:32:00 PST


"Save Me From Myself" It's not so easy loving me It gets so complicated All the things you've gotta be Everything's changin But you're the truth I'm amazed by all your patience Everything I put yo...
Posted by Cherylann on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 06:24:00 PST


some people are just so fucking RETARDED.Here would be a perfect example. Please click on the link below to see what im talking about.Poser.Loser ...
Posted by Cherylann on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 07:17:00 PST

i miss....

Posted by Cherylann on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:45:00 PST


YAY!Husband and I are finally moved into OUR loft...Now how dope is that?Downtown LA livin.Get ready for the housewarming! ...
Posted by Cherylann on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 04:40:00 PST


FINALLY. Its about fricken time. (SKIII Bitches.) ...
Posted by Cherylann on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 04:43:00 PST

The shape of things

"He is the living example of people's obsession with the surface of things."   -Rachel Weisz in The Shape of Things   I would recommend watching this movie. After all, seduction is an art....
Posted by Cherylann on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 10:25:00 PST

From Bern's

I found this interesting from a friend's blog, so I thought I'd post...   READ. loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right and finding out yo...
Posted by Cherylann on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 10:20:00 PST

A Woman's Dictionary - Men, Please read.

The Woman's Dictionary1. FineThis is the word women use at the end of any argument when they feelthey are right but can't stand to hear you argue any longer. It means thatyou should shut up. Incidenta...
Posted by Cherylann on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 01:13:00 PST