Gertrude profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

First things first: I have been making kick ass clothing and selling it on Ebay. Click on my banner to go straight to my auctions!
I have only recently arrived back in San Francisco via the UK where I lived for six months. It feels pretty good to be back in SF. It's been great to see everyone and it feels completely comfortable.
Apparently I need to leave San Francisco for my nervous breakdowns... I spent the whole of 2005 in New Zealand only to drop out of grad school. I didn't have any idea of what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Now I have some ideas, and that feels pretty sweet. Maybe it will even have something to do with headsets! haha
And just so you have an understanding of how truly flighty I am, here are a list pf my previous careers, well at least jobs (in order from most recent to least recent) oh... and this list doesn't include my attempt to go to medical school or my move to New York to make it big as an actress, or the job I have right now for that matter: 1. Maggot Wrangler (aka research assistant); 2. Doctor Babysitter (aka administrative assistant); 3. Espresso Monkey (aka barista); 4. Air Quality Graphmaker (aka research assistant); 5. Espresso Monkey (aka barista); 6. Toxic Chemical Dispensor and Toxic Waste Remover (aka laboratory assistant); 7. Espresso Monkey Keeper (aka cafe supervisor); 8. Wannabe Rich People's Punching Bag (aka Pottery Barn customer service rep); 9. Big Boss Monkey (aka cafe manager); 10. Paid to be a Fucking Bitch (aka stage manager); 11. Ego Soother and Diplomat (aka theater company manager); 12. Cookie Hawker (aka bakery office manager); 13. Self Indulgent Prick (aka actress); 14. Espresso Monkey (aka barista); 15. Self Indulgent Prick (aka actress); 16. "Yes, I am quite stupid really. How can I help you?" (dumb bitch) *spoken under breath* (aka shopgirl); 17. Self Indulgent Prick (aka actress); 18. Wannabe Cultured People's Punching Bag (aka Williams-Sonoma customer service rep); 19. Foot Fondler and Shoe Whore (aka shoe sales person); 20. Baby Babysitter (aka Au Pair).
While I was in England:
I sang with the greatest rock band ever!

I pretty much ran out of money, so therefore have started selling crap on Ebay! Go buy my stuff!!! (Click on the banner at the begining of the section!)
I have set up a website to sell prints of Kev's and mine's photographs... so check it out and buy some!!

And if you don't feel like checking out any of my links, but you do have a paypal account and you feel like giving me some money, go right ahead!!

My Interests

I am completely stealing this totally hot English guy’s idea to put up an alphabetical list together of my interests... although I am not going to provide links to everything as he did (well yet anyway, we'll see how bored I get while I am figuring out my life!)
Antarctica; Baseball; Chemistry; Dyeing my hair; English Guys (well at least one); Forensic Science; Gore; Hostessing; Insanity; Just hanging out (okay a cop out… I cannot think of a J thing); Kitties; Licorice; Mexican Food; New Zealand; Orange; Plastination; Quantum Physics (fascinating though I only have a rudimentary understanding); Reading; Silliness; Turnabout; Ugly Animals (y’know so ugly they are cute?); Views; Water (as in the ocean); XXX (haha); Yeast (nutritional, on popcorn. YUM!!!); Zeitgeist (my neighborhood bar in SF)

I'd like to meet:

Someone who can offer me the coolest job ever, preferably under the table... in Cranleigh, England.


Apocoliptica; Beck; The Cure; Dresden Dolls; Elliot Smith; Fear; Go-Go’s; PJ Harvey; Iggy Pop; Jeff Buckley; The Killers; Lou Reed; Misfits; Nick Cave; Outkast; Pixies; Quiet Riot; Red Hot Chili Peppers; Sonic Youth; Talking Heads; U2; Velvet Underground; White Stripes; X; Yeah Yeah Yeahs; Frank Zappa


Amelie; The Big Lebowski; Cherish; Donnie Darko; Ed Wood; Fight Club; Goodfellas; The Hudsucker Proxy; Immortal; Jackass; The Killers; Life of Brian; Mystery Train; Never Been Kissed; One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest; The Princess Bride; Quiz Show; Réquiem For a Dream; Secretary; Touch of Evil; The Usual Suspects; Vertigo; Wild at Heart; eXistenZ; Yojimbo; Zardoz

My Blog

Urban Living

I witnessed a couple of odd things on my way to work and then home again over the past couple days.  It made me think about city life in general and all the weird things I've seen in SF and NY fo...
Posted by Gertrude on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 08:25:00 PST

The Duck, the Nuthatch and the Penguin

An interactive fable about jealousy: ( I think I decided to use a duck in this story, because I love love love that joke that goes, A duck walked into a drug store and said gimme some chapstick, and p...
Posted by Gertrude on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 06:57:00 PST

I am an open book...

Yaaaaay!! I am stealing bandwidth from the cafe near my new home, so maybe I'll be online a bit more and actually write some new blogs or something!  And now I have the space to set up my sewing ...
Posted by Gertrude on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 05:27:00 PST

Annoyed at America Again

Ooooh... alliteration even!  Okay but back to the annoyance.  I just got forwarded an email from about the 9/11 movie that is due to be shown on abc.  I'll paste it in at the...
Posted by Gertrude on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 05:53:00 PST


So Kev and I decided to get some numbers together that were important to us and play the lottery every week.  The numbers we picked were:3 and 20 for the date we met in person, 9 because we got o...
Posted by Gertrude on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 07:42:00 PST

My half yearly update...

This is just copied and pasted from an email I just sent all my friends... but just in case I missed any of you, here goes...Hi all! First off, let me apologize about the impersonal mass email yet aga...
Posted by Gertrude on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 05:24:00 PST

Ebay Schmebay

 I just have had the most annoying experience on Ebay. The story starts: 10 July I won an auction for "three ladies tops" They were black tops, long sleeves with white cuffs, actually fairly ugly...
Posted by Gertrude on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 03:15:00 PST

Sorry that my blog has turned into DIY central lately...

But here is another thing I did!Okay, I took these:Slightly dated stretch flair jeans with a too high waist, but cool zipper trim at the top... And made this:Awesome bleached mini skirt with tattered...
Posted by Gertrude on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 04:21:00 PST


We have a rehearsal tonight and I am still learning all the lyrics!!! But I will know all of them by this evening, I promise! I should probably get off of myspace and start working on it... d'ya think...
Posted by Gertrude on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:56:00 PST

My first DIY design

Pinapple t-shirt reconstruction! Quite a bit more hippy/boho than I hope my future designs will be, but I was getting used to my sewing machine, trying to figure out what it would do, and working wit...
Posted by Gertrude on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 08:41:00 PST