Created deep within Sparky and Ron's obsession with Bad Religion, Sparky's newly found levels of hate towards the Government, and their need to perform, the concept of Sinister Rouge was born.
Originally considering the name of Anti-Talent, Spark's girlfriend quickly kicked that into touch as an Anti-Flag tribute band.
An advert in Manic Rehearsal Studios by Dave being answered and 3hrs in the pub together resulted in finding a drummer and almost completing the band.
After buying an SG from Dave, and himself realising he now didn't know how to act on stage without a guitar, nor wanting to be confined behind a microphone all the time, it was decided that Sparky and Ron should split the Vocals and Lead Guitar parts.
Calling on an old friend in the form of Adam, his bass was dusted off and put to good use and the final member and new bassist of Sinister Rouge.
After the 1st show and a few practices after that Adam left due to commitment issues, however, waiting in the wings was Bunky to take up the position.
And then... it began...
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