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Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Partyman!! www.MyPartyman.com

About Me

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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility...those words I have learned over and over. I'm just your average friendly neighborhood Spiderman...most of the time I just hang around..and around...and around...MJ loves when I kid like that. Well you know this little song about me..kind of says a lot..huh?Spiderman, Spiderman, Does whatever a spider can Spins a web, any size, Catches thieves just like flies Look Out! Here comes the Spiderman.Is he strong? Listen bud, He's got radioactive blood. Can he swing from a thread Take a look overhead Hey, there There goes the Spiderman.In the chill of night At the scene of a crime Like a streak of light He arrives just in time.Spiderman, Spiderman Friendly neighborhood Spiderman Wealth and fame He's ingnored Action is his reward.To him, life is a great big bang up Whenever there's a hang up You'll find the Spider man.
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My Interests

well..pretty much the things heroes like to do..save people...swing around the city...have lunch with Aunt May. Going to the movies with Mary Jane..beating up on bad guys...I like photography..that's how I make the green baby. I'm really into science too..guess I'm still a nerd inside.

I'd like to meet:

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hhmmm well I've met Superman..and most of the other heroes..Batman doesn't have much of a sense of humor though...maybe it's those pointy ears..who knows. ok I would like to meet my creater..Stan "the man' Lee. Any guy that created me has to be cool..right?


Swing music..what else!..


Spiderman 1 and 2, they are the best..then there's the one about that other super hero..the one with the pointy ears. That one was pretty cool..MJ makes me go see chick flicks alot..yeah some times a hero can tear up too. .. width="425" height="350" ..


I'm a big fan of Lost...although if I was on the island..there isn't many buildings to swing from. Guess I would use trees. I like Smallville..it's interesting seeing Superman as a teen...since I know the real Superman and all. He's really hasn't changed all that much..filled out a little more.


well I like any kind of science book...and books about spiders.


uummm myself!! I'm the best hero there is...you did read the song..right?