tea, cookies, tea cookies, russian tea cakes, cake, punching ass for cake, coffee, coffee cake, coffee and cake, coffee and pie, just pie, pie and icecream, icecream by itself mint chip if you have it, kittens, anything soft, crafting, rummaging....rummaging then crafting with it, diggin through peoples trash and embarassing my boyfriend, dressing up with shannon, dressing up with shannon and taking over the world
all my imaginations come to life
to be honest...i listen to the same stuff over and over til I am waiting for the next song excitingly only half way through the first...i like what i like...but good friends show me i like other stuff too
okay there are a couple good ones
I have problems with it. It's true. But Buffy...its all about the Buffy. I have Buffy dreams. Seth Green haunts me. I also have now bought Dead like Me and yes... I admit it Angel... oh the shame... the pure shame. and ummm, Deadwood, Smallville, Lost,Xena,Bones, Veronica Mars, Battle Star Galactica, Pushing Up Daisys, Moonlight, Reaper, Life, Dexter, Heroes.
I have forgotten how to read except it seems comics. Walking Dead is ammmmmazing, Fable, Preacher, Transmetropolitan, LOEG, Hellboy, The Maxx The Ultimate X-men, Authority, Top Ten, Supreme Power, Planetary, Sandman, Runaways, Promethia, Kabuki
insert hmmm? here