Super Heroes Booking Agency profile picture

Super Heroes Booking Agency


About Me


Visit Our Website At:
What we do here is offer bands the chance to keep their
focus on their music while we get shows
for them in the continental U .S. A
Do you think you could benefit from a service like this?
If so give us a call. 610-340-0048
We have two options for bands.

Download our FREE! Gig Blaster tool bar!

You can also sign up for our free Gig Blaster mailing list
and get an e-mail when we have shows that our
paid bands don't want.
( Click Here To Visit Gig Blaster )
You can pay our one time, $100.00 service fee
and get all these goodies:
Preferential Booking:
Be first in line to get our shows,
no need for Gig Blaster.
Venue Website:
We make and host a website designed with
venues in mind. The site answers common venue
questions and shows current and future
booking availability.
Venue Exposure:
When we try to secure booking dates
through E-mail your band & site will be on our
correspondence. This means that venues who never
heard of you will become familiar with your band
and increase the chances of venues requesting
you by name!
When we run other offers, such as physical mailings.
If your band meets the minimum requirements
for these programs you get to participate
at noextra charge .
Payment Info:
We require 15% of what the venue pays
and will negotiate payment arrangements.
We can do Check, Money Order, or Paypal.

My Interests


Member Since: 2/25/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:
Sounds Like:
Tortured In Toyland
B. B. Headflap
Slumlord Philadelphia

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Extra Show Dates ( 6-24 )

Note from Gig Blaster: Greetings musicians, we have started a new "Secret Agent" program allowing people to make a few extra dollars while visiting places that are local to them and retrieving a littl...
Posted by Super Heroes Booking Agency on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 05:05:00 PST

Attention Bands Of PA and CA

     I have several estimates on how much it would cost me to use a professional third party mailing service to send a letter to 1,000 Pennsylvania venues and 1,000 California ve...
Posted by Super Heroes Booking Agency on Sat, 24 May 2008 06:12:00 PST


We now have a community tool bar. It blasts new show notifications right to your browser. Venues can also download it and it provides a link to hire a band. It allows for quick reading of our RSS feed...
Posted by Super Heroes Booking Agency on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:54:00 PST


Sign Up For Gig Blaster FREE:http://www.GigBlaster.netGet messaged when we have extra shows.
Posted by Super Heroes Booking Agency on Sat, 31 May 2008 02:14:00 PST

Database Acquired

     Just letting you all know that we now have access to a national database of roughly 40,000 venues.  We are pitching through this list at a pretty decent rate. That i...
Posted by Super Heroes Booking Agency on Tue, 20 May 2008 09:49:00 PST

Get Your Music Transcribed

   We can now offer the service of transcribing your songs into the neat-o format of Power-Tabs. You can check out the Power Tab editor, it's freeware:
Posted by Super Heroes Booking Agency on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:15:00 PST