Amanda-Starla profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm your basic model ninja..that has no problem at all admitting what a huge geek I am. I also have no problem telling you what a huge dork you are..

Myspace Layouts at / Who do voodoo

My Interests

music, reading, writing, being in the park with Bibi and wandering around. Theoretical physics accompanied by string theory. Building functional time machines. Researching our drive to fold space and move out into the universe. I am 80% Punk Rock.
.. I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad. Take the
Punk Rock Test
@ FualiDotCom

I'd like to meet:

Other 'tards.... and Vincent D'Onofrio. Anyone who can make me laugh.


punk, northern soul, motown....anything that actually means something....I listen to a lot of different stuff.


Anything with's gotta have zombies or it probably sucks. Or werewolves. Werewolves are cool too. Or guns, if there are a lot of people getting shot then it's probably cool. Or Vincent D'Onofrio. Vincent D'Onofrio is the sign that it is a good movie. Unless it's titled The Cell. Then it sucks. Or Hugh Jackman....but only if he' Wolverine...if he's not Wolverine, then it sucks. And Slither because there is a scene where there are zombies walking down the street and ALL of them are saying "Staarlaa"!!! Yay!!!!


I miss Firefly. I loved that show. Because I am a nerd. I also am quite fond of Eureka and BSG. If you don't know what BSG stands for then we are not friends because you don't know me at all. Ohhhhhhhh and that Showtime show Dexter. Serial killers with hearts of gold get me every time. And Rome...because it's like watching the history channel but more exciting because it's also got a little porn thrown in to keep you interested.


Hands down it's The Princess Bride By William Goldman followed by anything Neil Gaiman ever wrote, looked at, touched, or spit on. But the latest book I have loved is World War Z by Max Brooks. So real it's a little creepy. I recommend the audio book because it has Henry Rollins AND Alan Alda on it!!


my husband, after years of putting up with my shit he still says he loves me and thinks I'm beautiful. Now, if that ain't a saint, I don't know who is. And Malcolm Reynolds.

My Blog

small talk sucks

The Little ConversationIs Over Very SoonAnd I watch in admirationFrom my corner of the room.They shine on you with starry eyes...They rain a friendly storm.Like kids around a Christmas treeAnd then yo...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 01:28:00 PST

if you want a nanny, you should pay for one

(AP) NEW YORK -- Under mounting pressure from law enforcement and parents, MySpace agreed Monday to take steps to protect youngsters from online bullies, including searching for ways to better verify ...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:58:00 PST

The three laws of robotics...

I didn't write this... but I wish I did. I am a HUGE sci-fi fan but sometimes fanboys/girls give me the heebie-jeebies and Warren Ellis just put them all in least the Asimovians, anyw...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 05:19:00 PST

16 1/2 inches

16 1/2 inches.....that's the exact circumfrence of my calves at their largest point. 16 1/2 inches. Now ask my what the average boot shaft circumference is... 12-13 inches. I have done my homework peo...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 09:26:00 PST

you are not a unique snowflake

you are not an individual because of the things you have done. seriously. someone has done them before. any bad experience that has happened to you, it has also happened to millions of other people. t...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 05:49:00 PST

everyone hates a cop until they need one....

Ok, here's the deal. All this last week or so I have heard the same sentence repeated to me. "I hate cops." Lately I have had some trouble with a ticket/ my licence/and freaking out about paying ...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:37:00 PST

Seriously?? Fractions??

OK! I want ANYONE to tell me why in the world you have to know how to multiply fractions. I am currently helping one of my best friends little brother with his homework and staring blankly at somethin...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:17:00 PST

I think I'm getting too sensitive...

Tonight a friend yelled at me.True, it was a work friend but a friend none the less. They had assumed something that was not true and got mad at me and in turn hurt my feelings. And a while back I wou...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Sat, 15 Apr 2006 04:28:00 PST

Anger management

I broke my frikken thumb because I beat the shit out of my neighbors door because she is a psycho. I have bruises all over my body because my poor husband had to drag me kicking and screaming away fro...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:19:00 PST

I could be wrong but.....

Giant squids???? I am starting to believe that they found out that the first ever pictorial evidence that these things exist has gotten back to them. So they have decided to put their evil plans into ...
Posted by Amanda-Starla on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 04:24:00 PST