our laughter is your coffin ever after profile picture

our laughter is your coffin ever after

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funeral diner + atriata + heart.cross.love + shikari + takaru + staircase + the blood brothers + this computer kills + city of caterpillar + under a dying sun + amanda woodward + instrument + at the drive in + circle takes the square + hot cross + daughters + a day's refrain + mara'akate + ketamine + cain marko + a trillion barnacle lapse + horse the band + box the compass + everytime i die + joshua fit for battle + love like...electrocution + kaospilot + light the fuse and run + page 99 + wolves + planes mistaken for stars + as i lay dying + akimbo + pretty girls make graves + latham + saetia = good.


hotel rwanda, city of god, brazil, ong bak, and pretty much every kung fu/jackie chan/bruce lee/van damm movie EVER

My Blog

waffles.fm and the death of OiNK.cd

(11:28:53 PM) jared (is fat as hell): You are highly encouraged and will be rewarded for inviting as many ex-oinker's as you know of as well as uploading your entire oink torrents collection. There ...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 11:39:00 PST

yeah yeahyeahyeaheya yeah ye

(00:11:18) p-dizzle: haha(00:11:35) p-dizzle: dude(00:11:38) p-dizzle: at my work on like sunday(00:11:48) p-dizzle: there wre like half mexicans and half vietnamese at my table(00:11:52) p-dizzle: an...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:13:00 PST


currently.i feel a restlessness that comes from weeks of trying not to waste my time, and sitting playing guitar in front of my computer wondering why this mode of communication seems to be so one sid...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:12:00 PST

a voice turned vacant

i've been biting the hands i've been feeding, instead of reaching for the hands i've been needing.
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:18:00 PST

carry on my wayward son

well after looking at my myspace profile after not looking at it for a long time, i think it looks just the way i want it to now. with that said, i can go on with my life without worrying about myspac...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:33:00 PST

theres a bad moon on the rise

hope you've got your things together hope you're quite prepared to die looks like we're in for nasty weather one eye is taken for an eye dont go around tonight its bound to take your life the...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 07:15:00 PST


here are more great pictures from saturday: THIS IS ME IN MY MOST EMO STAGE YET TAKE THAT VEGANS ... tomm. and tomm again, this time semi crosseyed....
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 09:25:00 PST

dirty bastards!

i've been listening to the full length from welcome the plague year and its getting me really pumped. anyway here are the pictures from saturday morning that i took, we still ahve to scan all the p...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 09:22:00 PST

yeah, thats right.

there was a show in oakland maybe a year ago where this kid got stabbed in the crowd for some stupid reason like pride or jealousy. it was at a maida show i believe. the day after this show there was ...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 11:14:00 PST

pictures from last night.

this is what happened before everything went to complete shit: silly boys. omg im so cool. i love jeffy's face me and shebbieface (i hope her boyfriend sees this and tries to use his glowstick...
Posted by our laughter is your coffin ever after on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 08:56:00 PST