open your chest
breathe out your soul
cling to your lungs
love what you hold
Hey we're looking to play shows with cool people who care about music, art, and community! If you're one of these people let us know because we're pretty much down with anything, anytime!
Booking: [email protected]
or just shoot us a myspace message!
... feast of the unicorn demo . -out of pressing-
.... 1/inlovingmemoryofughugh
.... 2/detailsinthestatic(sokeepyourchinup)
.... 3/there'sacrackinyourmaskmothafucka
.... 4/norestfortherich(causethey'realldoingcocaine)
... whales . -self released- LYRICS!
.... 1/
.... 2/nu: nu:
.... 3/stevemom!
.... 4/
.... 5/'re.all.doing.cocaine)
.... 6/
... deers!/matsuri split . -1.2.3...not it-
.... matsuri::
.... 1/ghosttowns.and.graveyards
.... 2/kurt.russel
.... 3/
.... deers!::
.... 1/
.... 2/
.... 3/
THANKS TO RDUB FOR GIVING US THIS VIDEO (song is nunu off the new cd)