"If pictures are worth a million words, then my words are worth a million pictures." - Me.
Arrogant? Perhaps. Justified? Absolutely.
I like music and have a very strange and stupid sense of humor. I'm also engaged in a Ponce De Leon-esque search (as in looking for something that may or may not exist) for a form of non-ironic justice and Truth, with a capital T. Additonally, I'm also a self-diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (The OC Disorder) and I also live in Gaysville. Population: Me... and a whole bunch of hot dudes! I also get drunk off one beer.
Now on to the FAQ about me (Updated: 5/21!):
Q: How did you get so hot?
A: Okay, serious questions only, please.
Q: Is it true if you don't use it, you lose it?
A: Is that a serious question?
Q: Does making love to a pregnant lady technically make it a threesome?
A: Any true christian conservative will tell you that the answer must be yes.
Q: Can you teach me to be a man?
A: Sure.
Q: Is it true you've...
A: ...yes.
Q: Even while...
A: Look, when you're broke, you'll understand how it is.
Q: Why do good people die before their time?
A: They don't. Only evil people do.
Q: Well, what about Abraham Lincoln?
A: Um... Well, he sold poisoned milk to school children.
Q: Is that you God?
A: Me? Goodness gracious no! I'm just an ordinary man like anyone else trying to make due with what he's got. I also died on the cross for your sins.
Q: Is it true you get a little gay around men?
A: What is this? A gay witchhunt?!
Q: How come the rich don't give more to the poor and starving?
A: Because all poor people are lazy and are a plague upon our society.
Q: I heard it's arrogant to make up an FAQ about yourself. What do you think about this?
A: I think that whoever said that has a little problem with their own arrogance-esteem if you understand my meaning...
Q: Does having an FAQ about you make you the shit?
A: Yes.
Q: What's your biggest flaw?
A: I'd probably have to say... sometimes, I don't know, but SOMETIMES I might be TOO perfect.
Q: Do you know kung fu?
A: (Sigh) Why does everyone always ask me that? OF COURSE I DO.
The online forum will be up soon...