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About Me

"If pictures are worth a million words, then my words are worth a million pictures." - Me.
Arrogant? Perhaps. Justified? Absolutely.
I like music and have a very strange and stupid sense of humor. I'm also engaged in a Ponce De Leon-esque search (as in looking for something that may or may not exist) for a form of non-ironic justice and Truth, with a capital T. Additonally, I'm also a self-diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (The OC Disorder) and I also live in Gaysville. Population: Me... and a whole bunch of hot dudes! I also get drunk off one beer.
Now on to the FAQ about me (Updated: 5/21!):
Q: How did you get so hot?
A: Okay, serious questions only, please.
Q: Is it true if you don't use it, you lose it?
A: Is that a serious question?
Q: Does making love to a pregnant lady technically make it a threesome?
A: Any true christian conservative will tell you that the answer must be yes.
Q: Can you teach me to be a man?
A: Sure.
Q: Is it true you've...
A: ...yes.
Q: Even while...
A: Look, when you're broke, you'll understand how it is.
Q: Why do good people die before their time?
A: They don't. Only evil people do.
Q: Well, what about Abraham Lincoln?
A: Um... Well, he sold poisoned milk to school children.
Q: Is that you God?
A: Me? Goodness gracious no! I'm just an ordinary man like anyone else trying to make due with what he's got. I also died on the cross for your sins.
Q: Is it true you get a little gay around men?
A: What is this? A gay witchhunt?!
Q: How come the rich don't give more to the poor and starving?
A: Because all poor people are lazy and are a plague upon our society.
Q: I heard it's arrogant to make up an FAQ about yourself. What do you think about this?
A: I think that whoever said that has a little problem with their own arrogance-esteem if you understand my meaning...
Q: Does having an FAQ about you make you the shit?
A: Yes.
Q: What's your biggest flaw?
A: I'd probably have to say... sometimes, I don't know, but SOMETIMES I might be TOO perfect.
Q: Do you know kung fu?
A: (Sigh) Why does everyone always ask me that? OF COURSE I DO.
The online forum will be up soon...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Girls with low self-esteem. (COME ON!!!)

My Blog

Want to know who Im voting for?

Fuck them all. Seriously, get your "cheer for your favorite football team" mentality out of politics. It has nothing to do with what's fucking right and what's fucking wrong. Vote for whoever you want...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 13:46:00 GMT

Get your dancin' shoes on...

This is my current favorite album. Why does no one understand??
Posted by on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 23:23:00 GMT


Socialism anyone? Sorry, I get a boner from the thought of helping others. Is there anything so wrong with the idea? Just because it's the enlightened cousin of Communism. Let's see... mixed economic ...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 09:07:00 GMT