Women, Art, Music, Motorcycles,my family, recovery and Love are my very favorite things.
I'd love to have met Jesus and lots of others like Michelangelo, De Vinci, Van Gogh, M.C. Escher, Rockwell...but people alive today aren't nearly as fascinating to me. I Love people...but am not to impressed with celebrity...really. I'd much rather have a nice dinner with a friend than wait in line to get to see yet another famous type. Been there, done that, wasn't that impressed.. besides all my hero's turn out to be tiny or gay in real life so I'd rather just let them stay on the screen.
Love it! Love to listen to it...love to write it, and Love to play it. Music can move me like no other thing on the planet. Two notes at the right time can bring a tear to my eye or a lump to my throat. More Music Please! Maroon 5 is a new favorite, Rob Thomas, John Mayer, Hinder, Carlos Santana, I love all the old classic rock guys and gals but I love the new stuff too. I've been a Beatle fan forever, Thin Lizzy, Led Zepplin, Cat Stevens, CSNY, Motown....you name it and I've bopped to it.
I Love movies...mostly comedy's. Indie films too. I prefer to laugh. You'll find me in funny movies most of the time.
I enjoy my television. Have a big screen with surround sound at the end of my bed. My favorite place to be. Snuggled up with a cutie watching something funny, interesting or educational and I'm in heaven. Scrubs, My name is Earl, The Office. Watch a lot of A&E, History Channel, Comedy Central. Love the HBO series like the Sopranos, Deadwood and Carnival. I'm not ashamed of the fact that modern technology is my friend.
Bible, Big Book, Twelve and twelve, Road Less Traveled, I'd rather Do than Read tho.
My hero's have always been cowboys....No! I respect a lot of different types, Comedians, Artists, Musicians, Doctors, and everyday people that struggle but do the right thing even tho they won't get any credit or reward. I love people. I don't like mean people or users, but they need love to...just not much from me. My biggest hero tho is my daughter who I hope to be half as cool as when and if I ever grow up.