My biggest joy... being a father and I don't think that I can talk about her enough, when I saw my daughter for the first time in the delivery room, she looked into my eyes and reached out for me, at that moment my life began. Life, love and happiness, I've found it. Martial Arts experts
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I Love martial arts, I've done a bit of it all Shotokan Karate, Western Kickboxing, Boxing, Choy Li Fut Kung-Fu with a taste of Capoeria for flavor and seasoning, thats some good stuff. Music... the Pat Methany group is my fave jazz group, Amerie is my honey, and hmmm.... I listen to everything else except country, they can have that stuff, it lacks soul(in my opinion). AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE!!!, Master Shake is my dude. Dave Chapple is funny, but Richard Pryor is the originator. Camp Lo's first album is still bangin, but the last one, eh. Reading and meditation are the keys to unlocking your potential, but ASK first (Ask, Seek, Knock)-word on that- Zulu Nation is supreme but its only a small step through the schools. And I will not, I repeat, I will not be visiting the Nang...
I'd like to meet:
Cool people with open minds and are willing to teach and learn, we all want to be teachers, but we are students first. My brother on the Road to the Most High. The newest Messiah, she is near. Amun Nubi Ra Ankh Ptah, My grandchildren(one day) heck my grandparents. The inventor of the front loaded musket so I can show him the devilishment he started. ALL NUWAUBIANS WORLD WIDE!!!Who I don't want to meet?;
People who aren't interested in our upliftment as a nation. Who think that I place all this outformation on my page to wear what I do on my sleeve. As a Nuwaubian, I do not speculate, and I encourage thought of all people, we seek the facts... if you have questions ask them, and don't get upset when you receive the truth that you are so reluctant to accept. Those who think that some White man or woman is going to come out of the sky and save us from our selves... IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!! Our People have been waiting for them for the past 6,000 years! Why, because we don't trust ourselves, we don't love ourselves, everyday more and more of OUR people are looking to be like them. Our sistas perm and fry their hair, our brothas brush for hours and wear Doo-Rags to flatten our natural growth. We are Gods in the flesh(John 10:34), and it's time we gradually begin to reflect that fact in our way of living and our actions.I want Freed?:ALL MY NUBIAN MOORS WHO INCARCERATED FOR TRYING TO UPLIFT THEIR PEOPLE FROM THE PALE SKIN NATIONS OF THE WORLD!ALL MY PEOPLE!!!
You scored as a Nuwaubian. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Nuwaubu, the ancient spiritual science of the Egiptians.In Nuwaupu, there are 9 Doctrines, which are:
(1)The Doctrine of Correspondence
(2)The Doctrine of Mental
(3)The Doctrine of Vibration
(4)The Doctrine of Polarity
(5)The Doctrine of Cause & Effect
(6)The Doctrine of Rhythm
(7)The Doctrine of Gender
(8)The Doctrin of Growth
(9)The Doctrine of Breathing
And within those are many sub-doctrines. Unfortunately for many; fortunately for some, the only way to learn these great doctrines is by way of the Ancient Egiptian Order. Answer Your Calling!!!
LOOK JAY-Z Started in the Nuwaubian Nation Of Moors With the Master Teacher Dr. Malachi Z. York, hopefully he will pick up where he left off so many years ago.
Here are some artists that are true friends and that I support for their creativity and messages.
Haru Neteru
Alvin Frazier
Adonis Ba-Uz
Musiq Soulchild
Drum & Bass, R&B, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Classical. I actually like some music from the video games I have played... but don't tell anybody.
Godfather of Hiphop Gil-Scott Heron Interviewed
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Bad Boys 1 & 2
Nutty Professor
Tears of The Sun
Blood Diamond
Children of Men
Lord Of War
Scary Movie 1-3
Malcom X
Ninja Scroll(Anime)
The Bourne Identity
Freddy Got Fingered
Half Baked
Antwon Fisher
Princess Mononoke'(Anime)
Star Wars Trilogy Eps 1-3
Ong Bak(the Worrior)
House of Flying Daggers
The Thing
The Matrix -the first is the best- ...2 is pretty good too-
Fahrenheit 9/11
Why we Fight
Get this video and more at
I Don't own a television, they "tell lies visually". People will believe the T.V before their own eyes, but I guess thats ok because believing means speculation or to not know therefore, Knowledge is the enemy of believers. You Believe that??WATCH THE VIDEOS BELOW!!!
The Secret Rulers of the World, The Big Businessmen who call themselves politicians!!
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Golden Age of the Moor, Paa Gadush Lowhaat, The Holy Bible, El's Holy Enjyl(revelations), The Biggest Secret, The Circle 7 Koran, The Hollow Earth(yes its Hollow), Eragon, Tales of the Otori, They(we) Came Before Colombus, El's Holy Torah, and basically anything by the Master Teacher, Rev. Dr. Malachi Z. York...
List goes on and on. Read Up!!! Oh and someone please get their hands on the Sumerian Bible or Torah, PLEASE!!! I really want those.
David Icke
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Heros do not exisit... but My Friends and my family are who I cherish, fore no one else has done for me what they have.
Vendetta Against Mr. York The raid and arrests were the culmination of a 5-year racial vendetta against Dr.York & The Nuwaubian Nation, by Putnam County officials, headed by Sheriff Howard R. Sills. Which has been assisted by a campaign of biased newspaper articles, and media coverage, led by Bill Olinski of The Atlanta Journal & Rob Peecher of The Macon Telegraph, who have broken the Law by publishing a series of damaging newspaper and online articles which have helped to prejudice Dr.Malachi.Z.Yorks, chances of a fair trial.
This along with a 20-year investigation into Dr.Malachi.Z.York, by the FBI, who have been aware of Dr. Yorks teachings and successful activities in building The Nubian Nation since the 70s, when he was known by his East African (Sudanese) Islamic title: As Sayyid Al Imaam Isa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, leader of The Ansaaru Allah Community of The World. After almost a year of being held in custody in a maximum security Prison facility without access to appropriate medication, for his life threatening medical condition, Dr.Malachi.Z.York, 58 years of age at the time, was forced to eventually sign a confession to over a hundred charges of Child Molestation in January 24 2003, of which there was not a shred of evidence, in order to simply stay alive.
Project " R "
Dr.Malachi.Z.Yorks arrest and Character Assassination is a direct result of The Nuwaubian Nation's growing popularity in the United States? And could it in someway be connected to the fact that in 1993 Dr.Malachi.Z.York declared, himself Chief and Head of State (President) of The Yamasse Native American Moors of the Creek Nation, an indigenous Soveriegn Nation recognized by The United Nations: UN No.215/1993, independant from the United States.
Dr.Malachi.Z.York is latest victim in a long line of individuals, targeted by, The FBIs War on Black organizations and leaders in America, originally called Project R, later renamed The Counter Intelligence Programme (Cointelpro), please refer to: lead by J. Edgar Hoover. Also known as "King Alfred's Plan", it was responsible for the Assassination, Discrediting (Character Assassination) and False Imprisonment, of various Black leaders and activists since the 1920s such as:
The Honorable Marcus Garvey
Leader of The Universal Negro Improvement Association (Falsely Imprisoned & Discredited)
Noble Drew Ali
Leader of The Moorish Science Temple (Falsely Imprisoned & Assassinated)
Wallace Dodd Ford (W.D.Farad Muhammad)
Founder of The Nation of Islam (Falsely Imprisoned & Assassinated)
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Leader of The Nation of Islam (Imprisoned & Discredited)
Malcom X
National Spokesman of The Nation of Islam (Assassinated)
Clarence 13 X
Leader of The Five Percent Nation of Gods & Earths (Falsely Imprisoned & Assassinated)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Leader of The Southern Christian Leadership (Assassinated)
Fred Hampton
Minister of Information for The Black Panther Party (Assassinated)
The body of leading Black Panther Fred Hampton lies sprawled in the doorway of his bedroom. Hampton had been drugged by his bodyguard (an FBI infiltrator), wounded in his sleep by FBI gunfire, executed by two close-range bullets in the head and dragged to the doorway by his wrist. His pregnant fiance who was in bed next to him was also shot. She survived and later gave birth to Fred Hampton Jnr. He, like his father before him, tried to negotiate gang truces and get black youth to turn on their oppressors not each other. He was framed by the FBI and is now in jail. Contact: Fred Hampton Uhuru House, 5409 S. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60609, USA.
Fred Hampton. Jr
Black Rights Activist (Falsely Imprisoned)
Geronimo Ji Jaga Pratt
Minister of Defense for The Black Panther Party (Falsely Imprisoned)
Yahweh Ben Yahweh
Leader of Black Israelite Hebrew Nation (Falsely Imprisoned & Discredited)
Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammad
National Spokesman of The Nation of Islam & The New Black Panther Party (Assassinated)
Mumia Abu Jamal
Leader & Spokesperson of The M.O.V.E Organization (Falsely Imprisoned)
Concul General: Dr.Malachi Z.York 33/720 TM
Consul General For Liberia: Dr.Malachi Z.York ©TM & Leader of The United Nuwaubian Nation (Falsely Imprisoned & Discredited)