During the last two decades I've been very active doing loads of projects and bands. Most of them turned out to be total crap and some of them I'm quite proud of nowadays. This site is a way for me to showcase some of these shenanigans, but also a way to get to know more musicians and other sorts of scum outthere. This page is ultimately controlled by me, which basically means that I'll do whatever I want with it. Managing bandsites is another story, since everything you say and do is something the whole band stands accountable for. I think I might be underestimating your intelligence when typing this. On the other hand - I've seen some myspace pages outthere that proves that not every one is paying off student loans at the moment... I will also do some blogs and put other sorts of debris on this sucker. Hope you'll enjoy your stay. This presentation turned out lame. Well... Fuck it.
Best regards