StormySnoozaroo profile picture


I've got a tape gun and I know how to use it

About Me

Care more than others think is wise, Risk more than others think is safe, Dream more than others think is practical, Expect more than others think is possible...
Contrary to what my mom thinks, my cat does not call me "Mommy". I call him Wilco and he calls me Susie. Sometimes Sooz.
One day I'd like to live in a Yurt. I'd like to use power I generate myself and eat food i grow on my land. (I'll sure miss Taco Bell). I have no use for the mainstream except to laugh at it. I'm a hot chick who sings and plays guitar and makes art and rides a motorcycle, i care for my fellow earthlings and am fiercely independent, I am smart and funny. Screw you guys! What's not to love?
Off the market
Good news is that I am happy and have a pretty good grasp of why: Here is only There, Money is only That, Things are Only Those, You can't take It with You, There is More than This, Luminous Beings we are, Believe It.
I write songs and play them, I see pictures and take them.
here is where my photo stuff lives
and here is where my music stuff lives
snoozie &The miltonics@myspace
Here is where my leatherback sea turtle, Jamur, is:
Here is my President:
Enough about me..

My Interests

music (writing, playing, listening), photography (shooting, developing, seeing), bikes (the loud kind)(i now own a loud one), bicycles (the pedal kind), books (the interesting kind..the boring kind suck), getting out and trying to be social, i like the weather and the seasons and i like that they happen.

I'd like to meet:

Gladly I have attracted a ton of kind and supportive people in my life who I know have my back and are cheering me on and who I would do the same for. I hope to meet even more in my time as an earthling.
As always I am in the market for musicians with which to Jam, Jelly, and Collaborate, as well as fellow artists and photographers. Sharing talent is how I have met some of my best friends.


Music, music everywhere!! Past and present faves have included: ryan adams, badreligion, bauhaus, beck, butthole surfers, bloodshot stuff, books comma the, byrne, camera obscura, cash, clash, cure, chet baker on a rainy night, elvis costello and presley, leslie FEIST!!!, flaming lips, frank black, fruit bats, finn boys, grandaddy, helio sequence, john hiatt, kmfdm, nin, material issue, matthew sweet, liz phair, memphis slim, miles, my morning jacket, neko case, new pornographers, neutral milk hotel, rem, dolly parton has a voice that makes me wanna cry, pavement, pretenders, pixies, postal service, radiohead, satchmo, smashing pumpkins, paul simon, and garfunkel, shins, strokes, talking heads, weezer, stevie wonder, velvetunderground, violent femmes, vivaldi, willie nelson, WDCB jazz, and U2 - so much sometimes that it hurts. Jimmy Buffet, the grateful dead, and Jack Johnson all make me grouchy.


Star Wars IV thru VI, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, more to come.


explode your tv. and if not, watch something cool like the office, the simpsons, bones (agent booth is such a hottie), or Animaniacs.


Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, Watership Down, Lamb, Mists of Avalon, anything by Shel Silverstein, Far Side stuff, Calvin and Hobbes stuff, Conversations with God.


Jesus, Ghandi, Elvis. Oh wait - those are the 3 People I'd Like To Meet in Heaven. Heroes? Hmmmmmm...I dunno, no one has rescued me.

My Blog

My Worm Bin

To clear up some confusion, I will preface my blog by explaining what a Worm Bin/Box is.  A worm bin is used for vermicomposting.  Composting is usually done outside in one's yard, but wit...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 11:08:00 PST

Free Stuff!

I just joined It's like an online garage sale but you don't need to bring cash, everything is free! is basically a moderated forum (a yahoo group) where people who are co...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 02:19:00 PST

One word...Plastics! (Rough Draft)

Hiking through the Lisle Park District everyday (which I will say is a well kept place) I see plastic floating in the lakes and I know that those lakes empty to the Dupage River, which empties to the ...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:42:00 PST


Some things we say when we mean something else, but they still make sense:"Invention is the Mother of Necessity" - How many of us didn't know we needed That until the TV told us we did?"Flattery is th...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Fri, 23 May 2008 08:48:00 PST

Gangbang Froggy Style

According to my commute I hike through a really pretty part of Lisle.  There's a big hill and a lake and a prairie and a pond and bridges and a little waterfall.  There are ducks and geese ...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Fri, 09 May 2008 08:31:00 PST


I'm here at work, working, and what are passing by me are photos from recent First Communions and Confirmations.  Little girls in white frilly dresses with their hands out, palms up, awaiting the...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:47:00 PST

Why the hell not?

So, you’re supposed to fill in the first thing that comes to mind.   Beer:  Burp McDonald’s:   Fat Purple:   Yippee! Power Rangers: Purple? Cell Phone...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 02:19:00 PST

Were there swear words before the 80s?

I learned my first swear word when I was 8.  I mean my first really bad swear.  Hell and Damn didn't really count, and I was using them frequently at school by the second grade.  I h...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:28:00 PST

Forty-somethings need not apply

I've tried to make it clear, in the nicest way possible, on the few internet dating sites I am on (ok, the only internet dating site I am on) that I wish not to be approached by those too much older t...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 04:48:00 PST

Back to the Veggies

I couldn't decide on a Category for this blog.  Could be Pets and Animals, could be Food and Restaurants, could even be Religion and Philosophy... I bet you know exactly what I'm gonna mention ne...
Posted by StormySnoozaroo on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:21:00 PST