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Who am I? Well to say the least I've gone through my "chapters" in life. Before I turned 30 I thought life was over. Oh contraire it is not. Thanks to shows like Sex in the City and 30-something, my libido has a new lease on life in the city. I'm living in Chicago on the somewhat known "South Side" in the Bridgeport neighborhood. Around me is CPD officers, families, and mexicans. It's a good deal. Great food, security, and a gang that protects the neighborhood. Gotta love it!I hold what "friends" I have near me dearly yet I'm always willing to Network with new ones and party down. For those that don't know me, I'm pretty much a chameleon. I can blend in any party, and be content with my surroundings.To be honest I've done some pretty terrible things in life and Karma caught up with me. Now I'm finally balanced and in my grand control of my future, I hope to do as much good as I could possibly do. I'm realizing I've already lived nearly half of my life's expectancy on this rock, might as well go out with a bang, and perhaps making somebody's day a little brighter.As for where will life bring me? Fuck if I know. If I can quote the great John Candy in the movie "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"...*Dell Griffith Shower Curtain Salesman* "You just have to go with the flow, like a twig on the shoulders of a mighty stream."..