The Barkman... profile picture

The Barkman...

For all you beautiful beautiful black sheep...

About Me

You there, monkey, write an essay about yourself...I'd like to start off with something profound here... If it's true that God is love then that means that everybody that has truly known love has known God. Maybe the Christians don't 'own' God? Anyway, yeah I like to approach life from a mildly different perspective to most I think. I think that bad things probably happen in order to bring perspective to the good things in life. In other words, how would we be able to feel anything positive if we'd never felt anything negative. Now, fair enough, often the negative feelings and experiences outweigh the positive but we do live a very seasonal existence. Certain situations and predicaments make way for other situations and predicaments. You never know what's coming so you pretty much just need to be an adventurer and take whatever life throws at you. Now with that random philosophical outburst out of the way, I think there are certain things that are important... the music you listen to, the way you treat strangers, the food you eat, and what you love. You are not the contents of your wallet, you are not the balance in your bank account, you aren't even the clothes you wear or the way you do your hair or the car you drive. You are not how many people you've slept with, you are not your job, you are not your parents, or the color of your hair or the color of your skin. You are what you love. Yeah, I stole that from several movies but it's effing brilliant if you ask me.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Bye bye to all you black sheep o' your families... you know you've always meant so very much to me... If you know whose words these are then I'm interested in you.

I'd like to meet:

At this point in my life I think I'd like to meet just about anybody. I'm astounded at the creativity God expressed making each individual and whenever I meet someone different to myself I'm astounded that there are 6 billion little individuals walking around the planet and guess what? It strikes me that beneath everybody's pretenses, everyone just wants to be really genuinely loved. Then a lot of people can't figure out how to get it and try to convince themselves it doesn't exist... well it does exist... love like a tidle wave... and now that I've gone on a rant... here's an Imogen Heap video that, if you have a soul, will ruffle your feathers a bit...


Here you can check out my first demo... I recorded it in England in 2003... hp My name's Jeff Barkman...


Which movie do I put first? hmmmm.... In no particular order, these are films I've admired... Garden State, I heart Huckabees, Adaptation, Braveheart, Gangs of New York, Notting Hill (odd eh?), Fight Club, Snatch, The Notebook, Hero (Visually mainly)... that's all I can think of of the top of my head right now... I just played music for an hour or so so my head's not really in film mode to be honest with you... I also like all those stupid action movies with no plot. I used to like Romantic Comedies but then they started just remaking them but with stupider premises...


The Office (UK), Ali G, Family Guy, The simpsons... I've found out that I can get into any show usually... all I need to do is watch 4 episodes all the way through and it's over. I'm hooked... now I'm hooked on Law & Order Criminal Intent... also got hooked on smallville when my sister in law got me a season on DVD for Christmas... should I feel victimized? If I am a victim then it's sweeeet sweeeet victimization...


I read Catcher in the Rye finally... wonderfully moving. I think though that if I'm honest I enjoyed Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas the most out of any literature I've read. Must be the style of writing... good ol' Hunter S. Thompson. It's too bad he shot himself in the face...


Hmmmm.... I think at this point my only hero is the one true mack daddy...

My Blog

A whirlwind and the big retreat...

So it's been a fair while since I've blogged anything... 266 more views since I wrote anything last time... if you haven't checked out my music yet, maybe you should or could or would. http://www.mysp...
Posted by The Barkman... on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:26:00 PST

The beginning of a new chapter with an elipses...

Well today was/is the last day of my vacation and it's been lovely. I'm excited to start work tomorrow and get the beginning feel of what life is gonna look like for a while. I went shopping yesterda...
Posted by The Barkman... on Mon, 14 May 2007 04:38:00 PST

a decision made

So, I'm getting out of retail. I was enjoying it for the most part and still do like the scene but it's time to grow up and get a real job. So I did. Just over two weeks left at Marciano, then a litt...
Posted by The Barkman... on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 05:30:00 PST

Hair loss and the inevitable caging of free spirits...

So in case you haven't noticed I shaved all my hair off. The bad thing about shaving your hair is that usually you do it in a spectacularily boring moment. What do you do when you get bored after shav...
Posted by The Barkman... on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 02:37:00 PST

A hacker, an actor and a boy with curly locks...

Ok so apparently someone wanted to be me enough to hack into my account and then all they did was post a bulletin trying to get my friends to check out some rapper... the funny thing is that none of m...
Posted by The Barkman... on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:20:00 PST

A pilgrimage and a heart refreshed...

So today is the last day of my trip to Winnipeg... it's been incredibly wonderful to get to see everyone I've seen and a bit disappointing that I couldn't get to see every single person I wanted to......
Posted by The Barkman... on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 11:14:00 PST

More emotional than most but also a bit prettier...

I realized it was time to post a new blog when someone came into my store and gave me the "woah you're bitchy eh?" face because they read my last one... anyway, yeah I had a bad day. At any rate, my h...
Posted by The Barkman... on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:13:00 PST

A wave of potential regret or possibly just grandiose flares of boredom

I've heard it said that only boring people get bored. There are days when I wonder how anybody could possibly get bored in Toronto and then there is today when I realize that my phone hasn't rung in ...
Posted by The Barkman... on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 08:45:00 PST

Soul Time 2006...

I have two days off starting pretty much a couple hours ago... my new job is intensely challenging with lots more hours and way more duties and responsibilities... oh yeah and way more money... I have...
Posted by The Barkman... on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 10:27:00 PST

Ew... never click on those free shit websites...

Ok... sorry if you were lead to some website promising you free stuff... you basically have to sign up with columbia house and get ten other people to do the same and then if the invisible people runn...
Posted by The Barkman... on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 07:01:00 PST