What Castlevania Character are you?
You're Succubus! You live your life stealing the souls of horny mortals! You are any and everyones fantasy and desire! However you deal in a different coin than most would think, but who really needs a soul anyway? After all the pleasures you can give people are well worth the insane price tag.
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What house of 1000 corpses character are you?
Mrs firefly
You are Mrs firefly... Meet the beauty of the House. Well, at least she thinks she is the beauty. She will flirt and try to seduce you with her womanly goods. She loves a good, strong, funny man. Beware, she will turn her back on you in a heart beat.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
What's your sexual appeal?
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Heart of Gold
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
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-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
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Ivone --
100% kinky
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.comApparently I don't know myself too well so I answered some online questionaires to find out. Based on the results I just so happen to be your drunk, perverted best friend with a heart of gold who likes the theatre...who knew? I'm also the perfect girlfriend. Though I'm sure the men I've had in my life would disagree lol.Here's the boring particulars. I'm 29. Born and raised in Winnipeg. By day I'm a respectable software instructor at a school division. By night I can usually be found hanging out with friends watching whatever cool thing we just downloaded and listening to music. I have a combination of an old soul and the soul of an artist and I'm slowly learning to embrace the two. I'm one of those people who would do anything for a friend wich is probably why I keep my circle of them so small.