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I am here for Friends

About Me

. . . Paint Stained Paint Brushes . . . Drawing Pencils . . . Abstract Paintings . . . Djembe Drum . . . Trusty Old Guitar with a few dents in it . . . Weathered Bible . . . Cook Books . . . Pots and Pans . . . Chop Sticks . . . things that you would find in my house . . . things that I use regularly. . .Currently a visual arts student . . . an intense percussionist who tosses about tambourines . . . occasionally a silly and mischievous individual . . . closet songwriter . . . creator of extra tasty baked goods . . . avid beach bum . . . visual artist . . . lover of God . . . enjoyer of fruit smoothies, sushi, and cheesecake . . .Yes, these are all things that describe me, but they do not define me. They are not who I am. Regardless of what I accomplish on this earth, what I obtain, or what I learn, who I am and created to be is Bonnie, a child of God. All these things are creative expressions and welcomed experiences that I get to enjoy along the way while I travel though this God given gift of life on this earth.