there's holes all over my body
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
making art, writing dumb songs, balancing stuff on my head,juggling, thinking, making palindromes, solving puzzles ,climbing trees,fighting crime, showing off, kissing girls, shoplifting.
I never met a man I didn't meet.
Kenny G.G. Alan Parsons Project. Tenacious D.J. Jazzy Jefferson Airplane Huh?! Sly and the Family Stone Temple Pilots. Modest Mouse on Mars Volta du Marcy Playground. Boy George Michael Jackson Brown. Living Color Me Bad Company. Duran DuRancid Barret. Bob Sigur Ros
Take the Money and Run,Lola,Running Man on the Moonraker. They Live and Let Die Hard Days Nightmare on Elm Streetcar Named Desire.
Bananacondaleezaricecrispytreats. Don'tworrybehappygilmoregirlsjustwannahavefunions.