My interests life to the fullest, making every being I come in contact with smile...
I would like to meet far too many people to name here...but I'll just think of a few really quick...Kahlil Gibran, Gandhi, Ani Difranco, Bob Marley, Sylvia Plath, Mary Magdalene and...Krishna and Buddha, Mohammed and Judah, and all those who rose from the fall.....
when I read 'heroes' I thought of one of my favorite poems by one of my dearest friends, D.C. Bianchino...Its called The Heroes Path... Are you ready to face the guilt, fear and the remorse? Are you ready to enter the house of fire, ready to suffer the loss? Are you ready to feel the shame, prepared to think insane? Are you ready to kill the ferocious beasts, the two that are the same? Are you ready to face the wolves, who call from the mountain top? Willing to make the climb, though doubt may want you to stop? Are you willing to climb the mountain, then make its awesome descent? Willing to find that innocence, and do it without relent? Are you willing to be that Hero, for not power or greed or the like? Are you willing to wait for the ashes, to bring in this age of new light? For this is the path of destruction, to end the powers who reign. And here lies the path of true Heroes,who are called to face up to that pain.........I love that, be the hero you would like to be..or, as Gandhi would say, 'Be the change you wish to see in the world'...........