sleeping. eating. drinking. laughing. dreaming. dancing. people watching. snuggling. gerber daisies. music of all sorts. autumn when the leaves are changing. laying in the grass and staring at the stars. cool nights when you can wear oversize sweaters. rocky road ice cream. peanut butter cups. surprises. *smooching*. happy people.
i love music. anything that will make me dance, smile, laugh, cry, or spark a memory is something i will listen to!!!!
anything with Audrey Hepburn or Molly Ringwald. The Goonies is my all time favorite. Stand By Me, Pretty Woman, Lord of the Flies, LOTR(all of them), and alot of the movies from the 80's. I love skateboarding videos.
I watch ALOT of TV so i can't pick a favorite. not too much to do around the wonderful city of Hickory so downtime consists of television with my sister.
The Catcher in the Rye, The Lord of the Flies, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, To Kill A Mockingbird
my friends....each one has a different quality that i love and admire