we are in the new apartment and love it. now, time for some interior decorating...
tessa's first thirsty thursday!!
bathtime bubbles - april 2008
new hat for winter - 110307
the two lovely ladies in my life - 091607
been in nc since july of 1995, from santa barbara, ca. i play the drums (not recently, unfortuneately). started playing in 1993. play records @ the hq for fun. been into dnb since january 2000 @ charlotte, nc, where austin (newtactics, formerly nitsua) and then dieselboy gave me my first exposure into the world drum and bass. never heard anything like that outside of on my drumset and in my head (well, some aphex twin). and it's all downhill from there...:stinkfist:
i adore my wonderful girlfriend, heather, and my little girl, tessa, (she's geting so big!!), and i know that i am incredibally blessed to have the both of them in my life. our ig ol' puppy, halo, is pretty rad, too.
I'M A DADDY!!!!!
it's a girl!!!
tessa rose - 9 days old - june 17, 2007.