Music, writing, photography, acting, dircting, theatre, Broadway, movies, the moon, winter, rain, autumn, Halloween, candles
Your face.
Guster, July for Kings, Charlotte Martin, Doria Roberts, Katy Pfaffl, swim, Splender, Christopher Jak, Jason Mraz, Yoko Kanno, Thriving Ivory, Barenaked Ladies, Vertical Horizon, Matt Caplan, Matt Nathanson, Carbon Leaf, Dispatch, Broadway (don't judge me)
Lord of the Rings, Scream, Love Actually, Chicago, Quills, Jurassic Park, The Princess Bride
The West Wing, ER, Numb3rs, Law and Order, LOST, Firefly
Anything by Gregory Maguire, Lord of the Rings, and pretty much anything you throw my way (as long as it's not poorly written)