LindSay profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a 21 year-old student at CCSU (that Central Connecticut State University for all those who live in real states) where I'm majoring in theatre. So basically, I'm paying tuition for at least four years so I can move to the city and work at Starbucks for the rest of my life. Awesome. *grin*
Obviously, I love drama and the theatre. Acting is a huge passion for me, not only being onstage but as an audience member watching someone else. Of course, it also makes me a pain to watch plays or movies with, because I've always got a comment on whoever we're watching - but that's neither here nor there. I go down to NYC as much as is humanly possible, & I try to see a show whenever I go.
Aside from acting, I'm also an active writer & have an enormous interest in photography as well. I couldn't live without writing - short stories are for me what poetry is for a lot of people. It's a release. An exercise in creativity. A chance to create & live in a different reality, even temporarily.
I'm a little bit nuts, so if that's your thing, I'm your gal.
LiveJournal: CrimsonNight17
Fiction LiveJournal: _nothingtohide_ (Friends Only, so you'd have to let me know)
.. TheDevilsWife17

My Interests

Music, writing, photography, acting, dircting, theatre, Broadway, movies, the moon, winter, rain, autumn, Halloween, candles

I'd like to meet:

Your face.


Guster, July for Kings, Charlotte Martin, Doria Roberts, Katy Pfaffl, swim, Splender, Christopher Jak, Jason Mraz, Yoko Kanno, Thriving Ivory, Barenaked Ladies, Vertical Horizon, Matt Caplan, Matt Nathanson, Carbon Leaf, Dispatch, Broadway (don't judge me)


Lord of the Rings, Scream, Love Actually, Chicago, Quills, Jurassic Park, The Princess Bride


The West Wing, ER, Numb3rs, Law and Order, LOST, Firefly


Anything by Gregory Maguire, Lord of the Rings, and pretty much anything you throw my way (as long as it's not poorly written)