I enjoy conversing with Weirdos and other Enlightened Souls who are able to discuss any and all sorts of topics in an intelligent manner.
If you espouse the tired old judgmental right-wing school of "Closed Mind/Open Mouth," then please depart immediately and rejoin the rest of your lemmings as they dive head-first off the cliff. Life is too short for your sad kind of crap.
I'm a lover of Life and Laughter... and a total sucker for all things macabre and bizarre. I'm zany and kooky, serious and studious, in a never-ending search of Life's answers... I wants to experience as much as I can before I return to dust. I enjoy the company of friends and loved ones of both the two-legged and four-legged variety.
I'm recently married to a wonderful man and have never been happier. He is my best friend; a budding standup comic who has played in several venues around town here in Nashville.
I've been told I'm hard to figure out because of my eclectic interests. I guess I just can't be categorized, which suits me fine. First up, I love all things Sci-Fi and Horror... especially SPECIAL FX monster makeup! Halloween is a return to Mecca for me. I get excited when I smell liquid latex, greasepaint and spirit gum!
Because of the magic of such people as Rick Baker, Stan Winston, Dick Smith, Rob Bottin, Tom Savini and others, I once aspired to be a Hollywood special effects makeup artist (check my Photos for some examples of my imaginative handiwork). Now I have a blast doing it on Halloween or any other occasion that calls for monster makeup... like the NASHVILLE ZOMBIE WALK!!!
I participated in the very first Nashville Zombie Walk on Easter weekend, March '07, in downtown Nashville - what fun it was (check out my Photos here on my Profile). Looking forward to the next Zombie Walk with grim glee!
I also was featured in "Dr. Gangrene's CREATURE FEATURE" in October '07 as one of the minions of the Undead in the campy wraparound scenes (see the video clip here on my Profile) of "Night of the Living Dead."
I'm also into COMEDY... because Life provides us with plenty to laugh at, and if you weren't aware of that, I feel sorry for you. The world needs more laughter and far fewer tears.
Among other things, I'm interested in:
Alternative culture, ancient cultures, and culture in general... Cats, bats, frogs, dogs, lemurs, aye-ayes (I love all animals!), archaeology, architecture, art, body modification and TATTOOS, Eastern philosophy, violins, painting, ethnobotany, paleontology, all manner of fetish (rubber & leather clothing/corsets, erotica, pansexuality, boots and shoes, stockings, etc.), hair, makeup, poetry (I'm a published poet myself)... magic, meditation, music, mysticism, spirituality, PSI, the Faerie Realm, William Blake, Bukowski, Gurdjieff, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, The Three Stooges, Terrence McKenna, Arthur C. Clarke, George Carlin, Philip K. Dick, Frankenstein, Dracula, Eddie Izzard.... all things Egyptian, Scottish, Irish Celtic and Nordic, the First Amendment, history (the REAL history, and not the illusionary type we were force-fed as schoolchildren), Mac cosmetics, Mac computers, Canon cameras, digital photography, iMovie and Photoshop... and 11:11...
Am I boring you yet? Good.
And I also 'ave a hankering to live me life as a Pirate, arrrr! All ye scurvy dogs take heed, that September 19th is INTERNATIONAL TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY... observe it or ye be walkin' the plank down to Davy Jones' locker, aye!
I am a retired Editor/Publisher of several well-known alternative-type mags you're probably familiar with (FETISH, Leg World, AVN, and various fanzines, among others)... I thoroughly loved being a well-traveled photojournalist and am thankful for all the journeys I took and people I met - what fantastic memories they provided me! But I am glad to have turned a new chapter in my life at this point in time. We all need to do just that on occasion, kids, or we risk becoming stale.
I'm also an Artist/Performer who's taken time off to recharge the mental batteries, but I still enjoy being creative on my own terms here in my little corner of the forest.
Deadlines? Ha - I laugh as they whiz past me.
But really, you know what sums it up? I'm just a big kid who NEVER, EVER wants to grow up.
What Is Your Battle Cry?
W ho is that, running across the steppes! It is Ellen, hands clutching buzzsaw hand extensions! She howls homicidally:
"I'm going to clobber you into the danger zone, then bake cookies!"
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