.. make
MySpace Editor purple-guide.com
Originally from Salem Mass, Now I live in Florida.
Some days when I wake up, all I want to do is write positive music and try to save the world. Other days, I feel like my middle fingers in a cast and my brain has been infected with an executed virus. I have hundreds of acquaintances, but very few friends. I dont live for money, but often day dream about being rich. Theres very few people I ever really want to be around, most of the time Im happier alone. I love underground hip hop. I also love really hard rock and mosh pits. Im an alcoholic and a drug addict, who doesnt drink or do drugs. I love making music with other people, but Im very hard to work with. I started my own record label called undersounds, because I hate relying on other people and I hate other people relying on me. Music to me is fun. It's spoken poetry that keeps me sober. I have a lot of people tell me that I need to stop writing about being drug free and start making some club tracks. Do you think I don't know where the top is? Honestly, I don't care! I make music for me, if you don't like it, just click on past my page and find some storytelling, simple-minded, wanna be gangster if that's what you like. If you like my music, thanks for staying tuned. Fuck it, while I'm talling you about me you should know that I don't live the "Hip-Hop" fashion show, nor do I act like a bad ass and stare at everyone who walks by me. I never understood that shit. I am me... Enjoy... Peace