I dont use this anymore tbh, if your a friend, or someone who knows me, or isn't a dick add my private account
Life is like a train, we are all on a journey
This is my train and i am the driver
I decide who's my passengers
This train is invincible
It's been off the rails, it has it's dents
But it's back on track now
Not anyone can come aboard
This is my train, the fares too high for twats
This fares not paid by money nor fame
Loyalty and faith are the only payment here
Tickets do vary
Some people have a single, some a return
But for some, first class is standard
Under 10 people have a for life card, services free
This is my train
All twats get off now
I'll find my destination soon
First class is locked, noone can leave
as they are my life, my fuel for this train
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