zac efron ashley tisdale zac efron ashley tisdale zac efron ashley tisdale
19-24 oct: i'm going to manchester
22 oct: enter shikari @ manchester
24 oct: the hoosiers @ the brook, so'ton
1 nov: enter shikari @ so'ton guildhall
14 nov: Saving Aimee @ joiners
5 dec: mcfly @ bic
30 jan: i'm 16
i don't go to many gigs anymore
lol 22 people on my profile at the same time? lurkersss ;)
Gemmie drew me this
i want, more than anything, for it to happen some time soon
so come and sweep me off my feet
be my dream come true
[email protected]
i really fancy mcfly dougie poynter.
- The front of my log book :)
i really love school.
the people i spend 6 hours and 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week with, are amazing and i couldn't ask for better friends
truly going to miss them when college starts
let's make the remainder of this year something to remember.