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About Me

I love Leeds & I play my music too loud & I talk too much shit & I'm too lazy & I drink too much tea & I'm too angry & I spend too much money & I use too much petrol & I'm too impatient & I want too many things & I download too many illegal files & I play my favourite songs too many times & I take my clothes off for a living & I'm too blasé & I don't consider the consequences of my actions & I have too many unlikely ambitions & I'm never subtle & I'm too stubborn & I waste too much time & I'm too arrogant & I achieve too little & I'm too disorganised & I'm too random & I have no confidence with guys & I'm too honest & I get bored too easily & I don't know all the right people & I have too many bad ideas & my legs are too bent & I miss my horse & I write down too many quotes & I'm too headstrong & I make too many mistakes BUT I WILL NEVER REGRET A SINGLE THING I HAVE DONE.
Friendship. Spontanaity. Music. Language. Personality. Sexuality. Imagery.
Le romanticisme n'est precisement ni dans le choix des sujes ni dans la verite exacte, mais dans la maniere de sentir. Pour moi, le romanticisme est l'expression la plus recente, la plus actuelle du beau. Le romanticisme ne consitera pas dans une execution parfaite, mais dans une conception analogue a la morale du siecle.
Life is dangerous if we take risks, but it becomes meaningless if we don't.
If you've lost your faith in love and music the end won't be long...
Some of the best days and nights just appear from nowhere as you talk and listen and listen and talk with the people who just make everything fall into place.
Waste youth living like the neon lure of a strip club; intoxicated and electric.
I want to spend the rest of my life everywhere, with everyone, always, forever, NOW.

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