The Loveless *BwB* profile picture

The Loveless *BwB*

Every day the boy would come to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches, or slide down h

About Me

I MAKE MISTAKES..kick myself in the ass afterward, I've seen it all(most), hit the wall & busted through...fuck the past, present is everything.... memories are things I hold on to out of habit & boredom.. but every once in a while I like to go back to that reference desk & leaf through the smiles..if you date me, I will steal your boxers, I love roller coasters, and will clap my hands & yell "yay" when it's our turn in line, then I will MAKE YOU SCREAM, and raise your arms...that is what makes it fun for me, anything I can think of to bring blood to the face is my fav pastime lately..blushing is GOOD. I like to ride horses, hang out in the wild.go camping, shoot guns..I grew up on a farm on the weekends and the city the other 5....But, don't get me wrong, I can be a girly girl when I want ..I'm not into material things, I own too many shoes, for 5 years I got everything on sale, and am amazed at all the $ chickies spend on beauty products...maybe if I did I wouldn't have wrinkles...I'm a natural blonde, with WHITE now..and DYED..not sure what color it will be eyes are green, they change to ice blue when I cry, I am pretty open minded, I have lived long enough to know that most people form opinions not by what they believe, but by those around them they respect and want to IMPRESS( there are very few with backbones) ..I'll try anything once, at least, but if I make up my mind about it , do not f---- with me about it later....I always root for the underdog, I hate seeing people get kicked in the teeth for no good reason..I enjoy silly b movies because they make me giggle, so does my kiddo when he swims, he can dive like a fish, and he has a stinky little head...I don't like rude people,..once you are my friend, you are my family, and I will CUT FOR YOU FOR LIFE . That's just "how I roll" ( yes Ashley ghetto ref) I am tempermental ,it's the IRISH in me, but I will let you have the last word, while I MUMBLE UNDER MY BREATH, I am in a hurry when I txt msg, so you may neeed a translator, I lOOOOVE to laugh and be silly, I enjoy art, museums, watching the history channel and remodeling things, decorating, fashion, SHOES SHOES AND MORE SHOES, Boxers are my favorite dogs...they are THE ONLY GOOD ONES, Johnny Cash, love stories, movies that make me cry, my family bless their souls, I know it's is not PC , but MIDGETS fascinate me, I am short, did I mention that? I love to write...I get along well with everyone I meet, Unless you are an ASSHOLE & then I will tell you so...I like cold weather and fireplaces, my fav season is Fall ..I love the static energy in the air when the seasons change, I can feel the earth move when that happens..When I am happy I am the BEST PERSON to be around, and when I am sad it's takes a while for me to get over it....Every day is a learning process for me, But I like people in general, they captivate me, It's been really wicked cool actually making friends again and hanging with old favorite things to do are sketch, play with my kiddo, and go see LIVE MUSIC, it is my PASSION and one of the things that brings me the most joy...standing at a live show and letting the music wash over me, I am a thrill seeker & I love an adrenaline rush...I have a dirty mind on ocassion, (it's really not, it just called being a grown up and open to you get older that doesn't seem so wild), oh and I collect all HULA DOLL STUFF..they are tacky & I love em, and rubber duckies.. I learned somethin about myself thanks to a friend... I don't care if you are rich or poor,if you are a good person that is all that matters...Ash thinks I am gullible, I just call it giving people a chance, which is somethin I NEVER did when I was young...So, I may get burned, but I'll only let you do it ONCE, and then I'm done-zo........
Fast Lass

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My Interests

I wanna sit on a porch swing about midnight in a wife beater,& jeans, barefoot with my hair tied back, swaying to the sound of crickets and the night while I sip on a cold beer....that's my favorite part of a day. Other than that everything interests me in one way or can be very entertaining if you only LET IT BE.

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet a man with a bitchin hot rod....someone who knows a ton about cars so that I can play with his toys..he can teach me all things things I don't know about wrenchin'..and we can get greasy together..go tear up the strip & go home and make love to the sound of a purrin' engine.....sometimes motors are sexier than MEN..tee hee First and foremost....someone who would rather get to know me,and then shag me, ....can you tell how over I am on MEN RIGHT NOW...someone who likes me because they get my humor, APPRECIATES it, and digs me for it. Someone who isn't afraid to talk...a lot!, a FAITHFUL CARING HONEST upright guy who is RESPONSIBLE,WACKY,SENSIBLE,CONSIDERATE, FUNNY, VERY EASY ON THE EYES, TALL TALL TALL...a rock n roller who's not outa control, a car fanatic, dog lover,who has all his teeth, a great SMILE and most of his HAIR, or looks smokin hot bald..killer eyes & jawlines turn me on!!. SOMEONE WHO HAS TIME FOR ME or at least makes time (I AM CONVINCED HE DOES NOT EXIST) no really..he doesn't...


Anything that makes me dance..which I only do when noone is looking or I think they aren' the car, at home...or when I drink a little too much....Rockabilly,Psycho,Punk,Jazz,Classical,Opera, Blues, OLD COUNTRY, ANYTHING THAT IS GOOD...which means NO RAP..that is not music. The Cramps, Nick Cave,The Damned,Guana Batz,Social Distortion,JFA,Black Flag,germs, Fear,Ghoultown,Flametrick Subs,Misfits,Blondie,Eagles of Death Metal, Horror Pops, Demented are Go, Nekromantics, Meteors, etc playlists say it ..a tiny bit anyway. It would take all day to type them all. my fingers are too lazy for that right now, but you get the picture..Nina Simone, Norah Jones,Patsy Cline,Cash,Sinatra,Harry Connick Jr.Mad Sin, Necromantix,3 Blue Teardrops,Roller,Honky,Supersuckers, Old Rev Horton Heat,Billy Holiday,Chet Baker,Ronny Dawson, Deadbolt,Tom Petty,Demented are Go,The Quakes,Thin Lizzy And anything else that happens to strike my fancy!!!!!


..what makes me "LOVELESS" my fave All Jim Jarmusch,Tarantino,David Lynch, Rob Rodriguez some of my faves are: Citz.Kane,Metropolis The Loveless,Any David Lynch,Wish you were here,Xanadu(yes I am old)My name is nobody(super spagetti western) Empire of the Sun,Amelie,Run Lola Run,Boxing Helena,Harvey, Plan 9 from Outerspace,Invaders from Mars,Natural Born Killers,Crash,American Psycho,True Romance,Resevoir Dogs, Lost Highway,Crybaby,Raising Arizona,Pulp Fiction,Kill Bill,Chocolat,This Boys Life, My left Foot,Memento,Powder,any John Waters,The Toxic Avenger, Bound (set/colors)Snatch,Lock Stock & two smoking barrels, Love & a .45,Down with Love,Trainspotting,A life less Ordinary ,Boondock Saints , No country for old men, August Rush "

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TV, what the hell is that? I don't remember's been so loong, oh wait, I do remember watching some a few weeks ago, but I slept through most of it.....I dig lazy sleepy sundays, they are DREAMY...


Your Birthdate: July 10

Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most situations.
You're very confident, and hardly anything ever shakes you.
Mundane tasks tend to drain you - you prefer to be making great plans.
You are quite original. When people don't "get" you, it bothers you a lot.

Your strength: Your ability to gain respect

Your weakness: Caring too much what others think

Your power color: Orange-red

Your power symbol: Letter X

Your power month: October


The men and women who serve our country !!!My Grandfather CAROLE LOMBARD, Darleen Needham, the monkey,Ashley for puttin up with me for so damn long...... .. Anyone who believes in themselves and takes the next son,people who believe in me ....those that make me laugh and put up with my mood swings ( thanks JP)

My Blog

Oh Yeah...

PS... I HATE GREENVILLE AVENUE ,....with all the Canadian & ' CAN"T bars.. Jiggy (whose new name is ANNIE ANUSANGUS grade a) (who should be annointed in cheez(soJo canlick it off haha..but no chi...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:51:00 PST

My resignation

Today I am feeling defeated.... tomorrow my cheery outlook on bullshit may change... if you know me well.. then you get that I run hot and cold.. sometimes lukewam, but never long enough for those of ...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:02:00 PST

am I blue?

Sorta.. sometimes. But not that bad. I'm just sick of the daily grind, irritated with a few things/people in my life, and honestly am just too damn old for any bullshit. So, if you feel the need to th...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Fri, 30 May 2008 12:05:00 PST

BOYS>>..not men

The ones who only want me for one thing can take a number..I am done with you. Substance is more satisfying these days
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Thu, 22 May 2008 01:36:00 PST


This summer is gonna kick ass... I have a shoot with a mag, goin to Italy, workin on the calendar, gonna make it out to Atl & shoot for San Diego, camping with the monkey ... then October (h-...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:42:00 PST

Growly Bear.

does anyone remember that book from bein a kid? That is the mood I get in right before I start... all bloated and pmsin..bitchy tired grumpy and sleepy... plus I want to eat EVERYTHING..... ok..not ev...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Thu, 15 May 2008 07:56:00 PST

Mwuah haaaahaaahaaaa

I just taught Aiden to laugh like a world dominator.. while he eats his KIX ( now all day I will be sayin "kid tested..mother approved) till someone asks me to stop (but only if they ask at least...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Sat, 10 May 2008 08:55:00 PST


  tee hee.. space sleeve....  ...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Fri, 09 May 2008 09:31:00 PST

shave and a haircut..two shits

B E N J A M I .... M are funny a hell..even when they are shoving bones into things where they don't belong and argueing with you over how to spell their name.. Last night was so daddy d...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:40:00 PST

Ashley is quoting herself

(woody is a sexy biatch) That's notwhat ths is about..she says I told you so. and does the little dance..basically meaning that i fall for dipshits with excess baggage.. ie the one from Jan.. who I r...
Posted by The Loveless *BwB* on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 06:09:00 PST