†Dark Blond Angel† §I§ profile picture

†Dark Blond Angel† §I§


About Me

25, Female
United Kingdom
Last Updated: February 2008

Just a few songs various genres
†DBA† mini-player †DBA†

M y name is Debbie, I am †Dark Blond Angel† §I§ (former webmistress) of the Dark Blond Angel Gothic website. (but sadly the actual website is now closed, an all that remains online, is my first attempt created on Geocities).
I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, but was raised in europe since my early childhood because my dad served in the USAF. This meant that I was what seemed to be forever moving from base to base. Maybe it sounds fun...but to be honest...it really sucked having to move around, an it also meant I was pretty lonely alot of the time...as I had to make new friends, and say goodbye to old ones, almost every year...
While I am talking...which I do alot of...it is worth my mentioning that im a practicing Pagan Witch...and have what I would describe as strong Vampiric urges...I am also very spiritually sensitive to my environment even when online...and I can feel energy from pain, love, or anger from those around me...
If my honesty and occasional light heartedness about my religion and outlook on life means we can't be friends...then im cool with that. But dont judge me as a person until you know me....Learn that im Dark, do not assume it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet somebody or anybody...

- Somebody who is incredibly rich who will buy me everthing I desire.
- Somebody who is open minded enough to try anything at least once.
- Somebody who is willing to mix pleasure with pain.
- Somebody who is able to see beauty beyond appearance.


- Anybody vaguely interesting.
- Anybody vaguely interested in me.
- Anybody vaguely able to see beyond their own small world.
- Anybody vaguely able to understand anything I am saying.


All of my favorite things to read Grimoires or "practical" texts for spells are here online..... http://www.sacred-texts.com/index.htm ..

My Blog

Even more from My Office

Another day at work.....and another excuse to write more bitchy crap down in here.....while getting paid! ...lol.Just to highlight what I said yesterday...and it could not have been scripted better......
Posted by Dark Blond Angel §I§ on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:06:00 PST

More from My Office......

I know most offices have their "characters" but ours must rank highly in the freak stakes..  Opposite Sarah sits who we like to call Typhoid Steve.  Steve must be in his early thirties....bu...
Posted by Dark Blond Angel §I§ on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 10:36:00 PST

The new blog....a new dawn.....

Since I get bored very easily.....I figured it would be a great use of my time spent online....an during lapse periods at work.....if I would actually update an use my blog as a diary/blog kinda thing...
Posted by Dark Blond Angel §I§ on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:21:00 PST

The creation of Immortality.....

If it were possible to take a snapshot of a persons life....and replicate every electrical impulse....every detail .....down to the smallest sub atomic particle possible..... and create a computer mod...
Posted by Dark Blond Angel §I§ on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 03:35:00 PST

Hate Crimes......Sophie Lancaster and Robert Maltby

Ok so attacked and murdered for being a Goth...or just attacked and murdered because like so many parts of the UK...gangs of teens are ruling the streets and acting lawlessly.... because so many paren...
Posted by Dark Blond Angel §I§ on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:22:00 PST

Ouija Board on Amazon.....lol

Just saw a Ouija board advertised as a "toy" on Amazon.... An So patronizing and triviliazed......the actual ad. copied below: Evil spirits! Wake the dead! Consult the board of omens!The class...
Posted by Dark Blond Angel §I§ on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:28:00 PST