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KING'S X Fan!!

About Me

Just a regular guy using myspace to promote King's X and local bands in the Shreveport, LA area. Click for Editor

Check out the King's X Street Team Page!

My Interests

Family, Music (KX Street Team Member), Friends, Golf (Volunteer for the First Tee Program), History, Engineering, Architecture, Travel, Homebrewing, PC Games, Swimming, Drinking Beers, Good Food. There really isn't anything I wouldnt be interested in. Life's short, I wanna try it, or at least know about it.

Watch "Alone" from the new album OGRE TONES

Alone by Kings X
Get Music Video Codes by VideoCodeLibrary.com

I'd like to meet:

King's X (Well, already have, but always a treat when I meet them), Tiger Woods, Fred Couples (My 2 Fav Golfers), Everyone in the KX Street Team across the country, AND FINALLY someone to teach me to play the guitar, bass, drums, and piano for free!

Pick up King's X newest album "OGRE TONES"

Click the new OGRE TONES album cover above to visit us at kingsxonline.com!

Here are two videos on King's X 2005 OGRE TONES tour for you to enjoy. Special thanks & credit to Bryan Powers & Lenny Kapley for these fantastic videos.
All rights reserved to owners and Kings X.



King's X and all the solo albums from Dug Pinnick (Emotional Animal), Ty Tabor (Safety, Moonflower Lane, Naomi's Solar Pumpkin), Jerry Gaskill (Come Somewhere), PoundHound, Supershine, Jelly Jam, & Platypus. (The rest are in no particular order...) Dream Theater, Galactic Cowboys, Rush, Yes, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Heart, Ted Nugent, Steve Vai, SRV, Dave Dunkley with Tim McGraw (Tim McGraws persussionist, a good friend), Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, Clapton, Robin Trower, Metallica, Anthrax (I'm the Man!), Aerosmith, Kansas, Petra, Pearl Jam, Temple of the Dog, Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies, Disturbed, Blackfoot, Primus, Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Pantera, Smashing Pumpkins, Ace of Bass (not really), Hendrix, Doors, Cream, John Mellancamp, Neil Diamond (really?), and on and on...so many bands I cant mention them all and Im sure Ive missed alot of them.I like all music that shows talent, not money makers like the crap you hear on the radio. So far, I have liked all the music I have heard from friends here on myspace as well!


Animal House, Caddyshack, and Spinal Tap are my all time favs.
I like comedies, horror, war, sports, action, and romance (like when I take the wife to see a movie).
Hey, if the wife aint happy, noone is...


College and Pro Sports, Golf, anything interesting at the time on TV.

Check out RAZR-13! Click the banner below!



I like to read. I read whatever is interesting to me at the particular time, whether it be a magazine, novel, or engineering manual.


Military, and anyone else brave enough to put on a uniform (police, nurses, firefighters) and not complain once they do.
My Mother for giving me life, and teaching me tools I need to be a good dad, and survive in the world.
My wife - a Level I Trauma nurse, and the countless lives she has saved.
My son - a miracle all of its own.
My Step-dad Wally - The friend I always wanted.
King's X - for the music that moves the soul and not being "above" the crowd.

Join us online! Click the banner below!

My Blog

King's X Side Project Albums (Under Construction)

UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Dug Pinnick's Solo/Side Projects:   dUg Pinnick - Emotional Animal - 2005  The MOB - 2005   Poundhound - Pineappleskunk - 2001 (Gaskill on drums)   PoundHound B...
Posted by Jumpin on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 08:18:00 PST

King's X Discography 1988 - 2005 ( And Still Going Strong!)

   Out Of The Silent Planet - 1988   Gretchen Goes To Nebraska - 1989   Faith Hope Love by King's X - 1990   King's X - 1992 (Also known as KX4)   Dogman - 199...
Posted by Jumpin on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 10:43:00 PST