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Huey Freeman

New Year to start revolution

About Me

Layout braught to you by The Boondocks FilesMy name is Huey Freeman. In case many of you hadn't noticed, I am named after Huey Newton. Huey Newton was one of the founding members of the Black Panther Party. He was imprisoned for his beliefs and thanks to Edgar Hoover, the Black Panthers soon collapsed. I am originally from Chicago but my grandfather forced us to move in with him to a suburb called Woodcrest. I'm told very often that I hold black radical ideals and it is true. I am devoted to these ideals. Such ideals consist of reparations, the end of blatant racism by our government, and black and brown unity.I am deeply disgusted in our current state of African-American culture. In the 1960s we beleived in progress. Now our culture beleives that pimping is cool and gangsta rap is the "shiznick" as my brother Riley puts it. Indeed Riley and I are exact opposites. Don't even know how we can tolerate each other let alone live in the same house.As for life in Woodcrest. Let us just say I experienced culture shock as soon as I got here. White people have such a different view of life it makes one wonder how we could live in the same country and have such contrasting views of life. If you need an example, just talk to Cindy McPhearson. She is this white girl from my school who has no idea about racial issues affecting this nation.

My Interests

I am interested mainly in showing everybody how oppression our government is. Everybody always thinks they are "free." Well let me tell you something people. You have never seen freedom before. The closest we came to freedom was when Thomas Jefferson was around because that man knew what the people wanted! Sadly though, George Washington let Alexander Hamilton have the spoils. Ever since then the pigs have been oppressing the poor black and brown. Other interests consist of current affairs. In fact anything political I find interesting or should I say disgusting?

I'd like to meet:

This should be changed to people I'd like to have met because there aren't many people alive worth meeting these days. The only exceptions I can make for this case are Nelson Mandela, Assata Shakur, and Hugo Chavez. It would be interesting talking to these fighters against oppression.As for people who have either died or been killed by the government, I'm just going to make a list. Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of history will understand why. Malcom X, Nat Turner, Simon Bolivar, Raymond Lee Washington, Bobby Seale, Che Guevara, Huey Newton, and Martin Luther King Jr. Also before I forget, I'd like to meet any capitalist that has the guts to say they care for the people so I can kick them in the rear Bruce Lee style. Ain't no one falling for that lie. President Bush would be first.


Gangsta rap is vile. How anybody from the "hood" could listen to such garbage is beyond me. You want real hip-hop? Try Immortal Technique, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and especially Dead Prez. I'm fond of rock as well. Rise Against, Anti-Flag, and Rage Against the Machine are great.


Most movies these days aren't even worth seeing for free. Occasionally some come around that are unique though. I like "The Motorcycle Diaries" which was all about Che Guevara's trip through South America and his transition from an ordinary man to a revolutionary. It is a very deep movie. "City of God" was great as well. This movie about gang violence in the urban areas of Brazil are very similiar to what happens in our neighborhoods in which we kill ourselves cause we need the paper. We're never going to make progress killing ourselves people! Let me not forget the movie Malcom X. The pigs set him up and tried to blame it on Islam. What a joke. Who they think they fooling?


I hardly watch television these days seeing that most are derogatory and look to bog us down with such trivial matters. The only thing I bother to watch is Free Speech TV since it's the only political station not owned by corporate media. Free Speech TV shows liberal programing. Too bad they don't show it on cable because then people would stop beleiving in the trash they show at Fox News.


Seeing that I don't watch much TV I often turn to books to keep me enlightened about the truth. One of the first real books I ever read was the Autobiography of Malcom X. Truly deep novel. I also enjoyed Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life. That guy may have been the closest thing to a communist since Karl Marx. When I'm not reading politcal works, I enjoy some good stories and poems created by Langston Hughes. I personally beleive that he was the greatest African-American writer ever yet most black people my age don't even know who he is. I don't even think they read except when some rapper like 50 cent makes a book. I didn't even know who 50 cent was until my brother Riley came home with 50's book called "From Pieces to Weight : Once Upon a Time in Southside Queens." I read the book and I just have to say I'm pretty sad that people dig this guy.


Oh the usual. Malcom X, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Hugo Chavez, Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Assata Shakur.

My Blog

Activists protest war through night of music

This is an article I wrote for my scollege paper regarding a hip-hop event that took place there. I realize that hip-hop has really been lacking the political drive as of late. We've had some great ar...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:57:00 PST

Mike Gravel haters

I see that some people have reacted negatively for my open support of Mike Gravel for a number of reasons including blatant racism. I challenge you all to prove to me why Mike Gravel is a bad candida...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 04:06:00 PST

Prepare for the future, feign the present

 STOP LIVING IN A FANTASY!            Everyone always tries to fit into their surroundings.  Who they hang around with and how they interact...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:24:00 PST

Surface and Substance final part

Yes even the blind can be punks also. The final installment! ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Closing my eyes does not change anything     ...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:57:00 PST

Surface and Substance Part Two

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />Showing how consumer idealism is evident in the most unlikely places.    Defining your merits by that prett...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 12:27:00 PST

Surface and Substance

If you don't understand what I'm talking about, read Postrel's Of Surface and Substance.                Because of industrialized nation's so...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 02:17:00 PST

War on drugs hurts more than users

Americans love their drugs. Colombia knows that, since it supplies the United States with 90 percent of our country's cocaine according to a 2006 United States State Department report. The United Stat...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 11:53:00 PST

Observation of life in Paterson

..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> New blog for my sociology class. I examine life in a city called Paterson. I had pictures but I have no clue how to post ...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 07:06:00 PST

Taoism to better the American lifestyle

Only read this if you are familiar with Taoism and the Tao of Pooh.                ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Fri, 25 May 2007 07:12:00 PST

On Materialism

American culture embraces materialism as if it is the source of all happiness. The desire for excessive wealth leads to growing selfishness and can be looked upon as being the one flaw that many other...
Posted by Huey Freeman on Wed, 02 May 2007 05:00:00 PST