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About Me

To clear up any confusion this is not the real Angela Davis.Biography Angela Davis was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1944 to two college educated parents. Her father briefly taught high school but left and opened a service station. Her childhood was filled with humilation from racial segregation. She was able to go through school quick entering junior year at 14. She applied to early admission programs at Fisk University and American Friends Service Committee but passed both too go to Little Red School House(private owned school favored by radical communitie). At the Little Red School house she began to be exposed to socialism and was recruted to the Young Communist Group. There she met her life long friend Bettina Aptheker. Upon Graduating High School she was awarded a full scholorship to Brandeis University where she was one of 3 Black Freshman. Angela met Herbert Marcus at a rally during the Cuban Missle Crisis and later became his student. She spent a summer in Europe attending the eighth World Festival for Youth and Students in Helsinki where she was impressed by the Cuban Delegation. Nearing completion of her French language degree she took a strong interest in philosophy. Davis began making plans to attend the University of Frankfurt for graduate work in philosophy. In west germany she housed with a sympathetic family as she attended college. Many of her peers were in the German Socialist Student League and Angela Davis participated. Davis was eager to get back though and participate with the Black Panthers. While on her way to California she stopped at London to see a conference headed by Stokey Carmichael and Michael X. Davis was dissapointed with their black nationalism and dismisal of communism. Once in San Diego, she earned a masters degree from the University of California, San Diego returning to Germany for her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Humboldt University of Berlin. While working at the University of California, Los Angelas she became a feminist, member of the Communist Party USA and associated herself to the Black Panther Party. She was fired in 1969 for being a member of the communist party but was later rehired after a huge backlash against the college. Davis gained much fame from being the third woman to be placed on the FBI's Most Wanted List. She was charged with conspiracy, kidnapping, and homicide becuase of alleged participation in an escape attempt from Marin County Hall of Justice. She evaded the police for 2 months until being captured and put on trial. 18 months later she was aquited of all charges. While in prison Davis got along well with the inmates and helping them initiate a bail program. Davis was segregated from the rest of the prison in horrible conditions but was able to get a court order to stop the practice. Davis continued her activism and has written several books. She is strongly against the Us Prison System and wishes to aboloish it and instead focusing on why so many blacks and hispanics are incarcenated. In 1980 and 1985 she ran as vice president on the Communist Ticket. In 1995 she rallied against the million man march saying that the exclusion of women was because of male chauvinism. She currently works at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Impact Angela Davis was able to elevate herself to a very high political position despite being a double minority(black woman). She was able to apply her communist beleifs to social issues like feminism and prisoner rights. Many young radicals at her for inspiration. Unlike other black communist leaders she was able to put herself to more practical use by running as vice president and becoming a college profesor. Angela also was able to show non traditional beauty by wearing an afro. This is in contrast to eurocentric hairstyles. Also she was able to maintain a life of activism after the 60s movement and focussing on many issues. One of the most encouraging things is that she still has many years left to participate in activism.

My Interests


Angela Davis: An Autobiography Women Race & class Are Prisons Obsolete?


Anyone who dare stands up against the powers that be.

My Blog

Angela Davis "comes out"

Angela Davis is Officially Outby Tracy Baim & Rex Wockner The February Out magazine cover story is on 1970s revolutionary Angela Davis, who confirms long-time rumors that she's a lesbian. When she...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 06:00:00 PST

M-TH: Interview with Angela Davis

INTERVIEWER: Your mentor, Herbert Marcuse once back in '58, as I recall, said that one of the things that would happen as blacks made gains in the civil rights movement was that there would be the cre...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 05:59:00 PST

1999 interview

Interview with Angela Davis Broadcast: 25/5/1999Interviewer: Jennifer Byrne Angela Davis rose to public prominence in the late sixties through her involvement with the black activist movement. Charge...
Posted by Angela on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 05:58:00 PST

Democracy now speach

ANGELA DAVIS: I want to begin by saying that of all the mass political gatherings taking place this summer, one next week here in Boston, the other in New York, this is the gathering that best represe...
Posted by Angela on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 05:54:00 PST

Angela at Time

Timehost: Welcome to the TIME Auditorium. We're very pleased to be joined by an important figure in the history of this country. Angela Davis -- one of the leaders of the Black Panther movement in the...
Posted by Angela on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 05:54:00 PST