About Me
I am JD, an African American, and the love interest of Christopher Eckhardts' novel, God's Gunners, Booty Bandits, & Bad Boys (parts of it are free at http://www.r25288.com). I'm a bisexual, athletic, fun-luvin person that the state of Florida has decided to keep in prison until I die. I stole at age 16, and spent 4 years in Florida prisons. They gave me no education as required by law; they gave me no vocational training, so when I got out I did what I knew and robbed again. No one was ever hurt, all monies were returned, and so for my punishment I have a life sentence with no chance for probation or parole. That is just one example of Florida luv & justice. (I am the editor, Christopher Eckhardt; under FL laws, JD has no access 2 a computer, so I edit it 4 him-he is the luv of my life, as I am his) he will get ur messages, n comments, n respond 2 u; be patient as snail mail is slow; help me see my partner by voting 4 the most compassionate candidates cum Nov-the Democrats! I luv JD, n the government of America, under the Patriot Act will kill me or imprison me again, b4 I will ever get 2 c JD again, because I speak the truth, n that is a threat 2 the systemic violence they perpetuate upon the least among us- so I developed this site 4 him, so he could meet sum of the good people of MySpace- the government will not allow me 2 c him until 2016-so much for family values! The Christian cross you see JD wearing in this picture is the same cross which now hangs around my neck(Christopher Eckhardt), and is also in my pics, because the state of Florida conviscated it from him, and made him send it home. So, he sent it to me. Just another example of Republican religious intolerance. The story is available at http://www.r25288.com. Just go to chapter 26. It may be found in April, 2007, material. Save yourself, your children, your family, and your country by voting Democratic cum November! I would like to thank the U.S. Department of Justice for providing their assistance to JD in his struggle for religious freedom. I reordered the same cross that the State of Florida made JD send to me, and today he again wears his cross. The Struggle Continues, n Blessings Continue!  The question 2 ask urself cum Nov. is whether u want 2 spend another 3 trillion dollars on foreign wars, or on American shores? Do u want 2 invest in ur children n grandparents, education, health care, our infrastructure, or war? Vote 4 the candidates n party that would rather invest in Americans-the Democrats. God bless America! The national average price of a gallon of gasoline in January, 2001, when Republican President Bush took office was $1.47. In June, 2008, the national average price of a gallon of gasoline is $3.96. That represents over a 160% increase. If your salary increased over 160% during that same period, you might be a dumb as* not to vote Republican. If come November, your salary has not increased 160% during that same period, the question to ask yourself is, am I a dumb as*?