About Me
Gay gentle writer, winner of Tinker v Des Moines, by the U.S. Supreme Court as a plaintiff, setting the precedent for Student Rights in America. I am currently writing "God's Gunner's, Booty Bandits, & Bad Boys", about my wrongful incarceration in Florida prisons from 2001 to 2006, for being a gay Democrat, Vietnam War protester, Conscientious Objector on moral and ethical grounds, in a Republican, Vietnam Veteran, family man's courtroom in
Clearwater, Florida, shortly after 9/11/01, on a charge that did not involve violence, sex, drugs, treason, nor did I gain a dime, on my first lifetime felony charge,at age 51, as a college graduate, with an ethical scholarship, who had spent the previous 9+ years caring for my mother in our condo in Dunedin, FL. She was on oxygen daily, in a wheelchair, legally blind, and I was her sole care provider; I took her to the beach twice a week-she loved the beach-we would have lunch at Frenchy's Rockaway Grille always; she died while I was in prison, in a nursing home, and the state of Florida did not even let me say goodbye to her...I was sentenced to a 15 year prison sentence-5 years in prison and 10 years on probation, while the last person charged with my same crime; that person even contributed to the death of another human being, and only received a 4 year prison sentence in this same county. I was sentenced by a Republican to prison, and to me, he sentenced my mother to death. I was and am an innocent man, and I never had criminal intent-mens rea-a necessary component to imprison Americans.Refer to chapter 26, April, 2007, at www.r25288.com, and to my cross pics in my pics here, and you will see another example of Republican religious values. I would like to thank the U.S. Department of Justice for their assistance to JD. The cross that the State of Florida made JD send home now resides around my neck. I reordered JD the exact necklace and he again wears his cross. Blessing continue! The Sruggle Continues!America incarcerates too many Americans for too long,and the majority are non-whites, and non-violent. Help take back America to a nation of true justice by voting for Democrats in this next election. I need you to vote in my place because that Republican judge took away my right to vote until the year 2016.It is a story of abuse of power, and the gay love I discovered beyond the razorwire. Sections of it are available free on line at www.r25288.com. You may find me by entering r25288, or God's Gunner's, Booty Bandits, & Bad Boys, or Tinker v Des Moines, or Christopher Eckhardt into any search engine. You may also find me on the American Bar Association website, under Law Day, under Tinker v Des Moines.We have more African Americans behind bars in America at the beginning of the 21st century than we have in college dorms. 1 out of every 3 African American males in America today will spend sum time behind bars b4 they die. I think we can do better. What do u think? Vote 2 save yourself, your children, your family, & your country cum November!"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me."
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