Imagination's Edge profile picture

Imagination's Edge


About Me

Hey I’m Eric and I'm 30 years old. I am currently living in Lewiston, ID and am operating my own photography studio called "Imagination's Edge". I was a teacher the past several years, but for some odd reason I am no longer doing my chosen profession, but doing my dream job. I am married to Anna and have a son named Rowan. He was born 2 months premature and spent a month in the hospital before we were able to bring him home. I have lived in a few spots across the US trying to find a job as a teacher and then teaching. The first was in Ames, Iowa with a friend of mine. That didn't really work out there since they wanted people with a Masters Degree to be teachers. So I came home and substituted for a little while until I applied for a job in Georgia, where my wife is from. A few days later I got a phone call asking if I was still interested in the job, I said yes and they told me to get down there ASAP. I ended up teaching for a year and a half at a middle school in Hinesville, GA. Quite an experience! After that my wife and I moved back to Idaho to be closer to my family. After subbing for another year I was offered a job out at Lapwai High School. After 2 years my position was dissolved and I had to figure out something to do with life. I had been planning on going back for one more year before starting up my studio, but this kinda threw me out there a little sooner. So I currently have a website, and phone book ads in the 2 major phone books in the area trying to get as much business as I can. If you want more information on my studio follow this link: Its finally back up and appears to all be there, so check it out ok?? It’s best viewed with your text set to medium, otherwise it gets all messed up.

My Interests

Photography, Art (drawing, painting, sculpting), Sports


mostly listen to the radio and the free songs from itunes.


Summer's over, bring on the scrub movies!


The Unit, NCIS, CSI's, How I met your mother.


Harry Potter series, Eragon, Eldest, Anne McCaffery books, Da Vinci Code, The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.


My son. He is a true survivor. He was born 2 months premature, but was ready for the world. Now's he is 3 and you wouldn't be able to tell he had any problems in life, except which girl to hit on.

My Blog

New Wedding Pricing!!!

Hey Everyone, I'm introducing new wedding pricing for the rest of 2008. So if you know anyone getting married or are getting married yourself check it out and give me a holler if it sounds good to you...
Posted by Imagination's Edge on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 09:16:00 PST