Charlie profile picture


perpetually in a meeting with triumph and disaster

About Me

i've been accused of developing agoraphobia - i've most likely disappointed you at one point or another - i am sarcastic - i balance the optimistic realist with the pessimistic dreamer sides of myself - i find humour in all the wrong places - i'll rarely show my cards - i will continue to put all my eggs in one basket despite the lessons i've learned - i allow others to make the small decisions - i'll think of every outcome before i make a split second decision but i don't think i'm calculated - i believe fortune cookies - i don't like to tell the same story twice which is why it seems like I never have a story to tell - i have never shown the full extent of my temper but comparatively speaking i pity the fool who'll push me too far -
You scored as Mathematics. You should be a Math major! Like Pythagoras, you are analytical, rational, and when are always ready to tackle the problem head-on!




























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!
created with MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

if you can think of it i'm probably interested in it

I'd like to meet:

people who are honest all the time but above all in the worst situations - people who understand that no one has to have the same beliefs whether it's cola or religion, that it's possible to be a capitalistic communist, black and white, wrong and right, good and bad, righteous and evil all at the same time - people who think that the world is filled with endless realms - people who try to make educated decisions especially in their convictions - or at the very least people who remember the month my birthday is in


GG Alin, Roy Orbison, Thelonious Monk and everything in between and outside of that


I'd opt to watch: A Midnight Clear, Arlington Road, Bottle Rocket, Dark City, Fallen, Gattaca, It's A Wonderful Life, Ladies And Gentlemen The Fabulous Stains, Liberty Heights, Mousehunt, Mumford, Night On Earth, Old School, Requiem For A Dream, Reservoir Dogs, Rounders, Series 7, Stag, Streets Of Fire, Tapeheads, That Thing You Do, The Cell, The Crow, The Deer Hunter, The Family Man, The Majestic, The Muppets Take Manhattan, The Negotiator, The Ref, Trust, Twenty Bucks, 25th Hour, Two Days, Valley Girl, Waiting, What Dreams May Come, Zero's scenes... However, I'll watch anything as I recast most movies in my brain until they work.


Coming next fall, America's Next Muppet, Charlie Rose, Entourage, Fraggle Rock, Frontline, Intervention, Molson Hockey Night In Canada; not Labatts, Passionate Eye, Rescue Me, The Colbert Report, The Wrong Coast.


Central Themes: Anthologies, Biographies, Economic Forecasting, How To's, Music, Politics, Religion, Resource Books, Social Structure, Topic Specific Dictionaries


now accepting applications

My Blog

A Good Start (repost of bulletin)

1. Put your music player on shuffle.2. Press forward for each question.3. Use the song title as the answer to the questionWhat does this year have in store for me?glorious - captainWhat does your love...
Posted by Charlie on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:07:00 PST

again with the forgotten password. ps merry ho ho's

MERRY HO HO'S keep a look out for the ramblings of top __ lists coming at some point this week.
Posted by Charlie on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:59:00 PST

call your grandparents

in honor of my grandfather passing away this morning I suggest everyone who can, call their grandparents today.  ask them to tell you a story about when they were the exact age as you. ...
Posted by Charlie on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 05:18:00 PST

08/12 it's been so long i forgot my password

not really back, not really gone, still floating.  won't be back for another week or so but thought i'd check in since it's been 3 or 4 weeks. ps computers suck.
Posted by Charlie on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:16:00 PST


so i was away status awhile ago changed it back but it has a mind of it's own... after finally finding out about it on sunday contacted myspace was told it was fixed and low and behold it is not ...
Posted by Charlie on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 11:54:00 PST

my first non bands top 24 or top anything myspace list

as some of you know i've been having an odd time of life for the past few months, the last 2 weeks have been even more endless and the now pictured new top 24 (in no order) is filled with people who f...
Posted by Charlie on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 02:05:00 PST

do we like the same movies?

I just took a movie quiz at  If you come take it too we can see if we like the same movies.
Posted by Charlie on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 03:16:00 PST

uggh silly adults myspace is for teens (said in trix kids voice)

so because the only place according to non fox corp owned media that predators hang out online is myspace not umm my once private setting has become public again so that people i actually k...
Posted by Charlie on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 07:58:00 PST

i'm back

well sort of not reallyit's been over 3 weeks since i've been online for more than 4 minutes so no time for myspace do tell of all the hoaxes i've missed, desperate pleas from tom that myspace isn't s...
Posted by Charlie on Tue, 23 May 2006 08:12:00 PST

best bulletin & not yet bulletin features ever

best myspace feature ever the new delete from friends as you read the bulletin... since i was too lazy to search through my friends list to banish you previously ON NOTICEbonsai cat stories whore trai...
Posted by Charlie on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 11:46:00 PST