Baby Courageous profile picture

Baby Courageous


About Me

On a highway to the danger zone.Highly domestic.That's all I know about me.

My Interests

Tacos. Bubble tea. Mild hilarity. Being awesom.


I like that one Postal Service song played over and over again ad nauseum.


Anything with Billy Bob Thornton playing the foul-mouthed drunk that hates kids, Morgan Freeman playing the wise old black man, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, or Jack Black trying to be funny, Jennifer Coolidge playing a big breasted bimbo, Julia Roberts playing the all around great gal with the loud laugh, Tommy Lee Jones playing the cranky retired Texas ranger, Chris Rock in ANYTHING, Will Ferrell doing whatever it is that he does in every movie he is in, Vince Vaughn playing the chubbier version of his Swingers role, Owen Wilson in any movie not directed by Wes Anderson, Keanu Reeves playing a wise, lone hero that only speaks 3 words of dialogue, and Tom Cruise playing the all around great guy that rises to the occasion or solves the crime or saves the day or falls in love or makes the right decision in the end or anything else for that matter because I love lunatics.


Halo 2