jOycE profile picture


...amidst one's beauty should be simplicity... :()

About Me

**LAyeD bAck... **mOre aPpReciAtive nOw abOut mY LifE uNliKe beFore... **seNsiTive wHen iT coMes tO mY lOveD oNes siNce i LivE fAr fRom tHem... **cOmpAssiOnaTe aNd siNcEre... **tOucHy (yOu dNt wNna kNow hOw tOucHy i Am wiTh mY hsBnd, iM prEttY BOLD)... **rEseRved ... **dEtErmiNe (i Am fOcuSed oN gEttiNg wHaT i wAnT aNd suCceeD)... **wHimsiCaL ... **cAreFRee aNd pOsitIve abOut LiFe... **hUmoRoUS / bUbbLy ((iLovE bEin hApPy aNd hAte bEin dePressed aNd aGgRavAteD)... **oPenmiNdEd pErsOn ... **cOnfiDent (iThiNksO, aM i?)...thOugh i LiKe tO sHow mY seNsuAliTy aNd mY iNdePenDence oN gEttiN wHat i wAnt **sTicK tO oNe... (iM sAtiSfiEd wiTh whAT i hAVe) **i sPeaK mY miNd (i dNt kNow iF thAts a gOoD thAng thOugh)...bAd thAng bOut mE iS... ^^siMple aNd biAtchy (yOuve rEad iT riGht)... ^^imPuLsiVe (wHen i liKe sOmetHin, ill mAke suRe tHat i wiLL gEt iT)... ^^mOodY (aHh hATe iT wHen mY hsBnD tElLs mE iM thE moOdiEst pEsoN oN eArth, iM nOt a psYchO! jUst to cLariFy tHat)... ^^cRybAby...(i cRy eVen oN siMpLe tHingS) ^^cRanKy (wHo isNt?)... oH beTtEr wAy tO sAY tHat is iM gRumpY iN tHe mOrniN ^^tRucuLent aT tiMes (nOt iN a bArbAric wAy bUt iM jUst hArsH aNd hArd oN peOpLe wHen iM mAd, i dO sOme cRazy sH!t) ^^mY fiRst iMprEssiOn oN peOpLe LasT eSpeciALLy wHen u f*cK*D uP oN oUr fiRst meEting...dArn u NeeD tO wOrk oN wiTh mY oBnOxiOus wAY oN mAkiNg u fEeL i dOnT LiKe u oR dNt fEeL uR viBe)... ^^i tHinK a Lot (iM pAraNoiD oNes mY brAin sTarts tO wOrk)... ^^i NeeD tO brEak mY hAbiT oF sLeepiN fOr oNLy 4 hOurS a dAy...
Myspace Layouts - Scenic Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

sLeepiNg... i sPent hOurs wAtchiNg t.V (iM a TV bUff)... mOviEs (bUt nOt a biG fAn)... gYm (onCe iN a wHiLe)... cHat... iNterNet... eAtiNg oUt / coOking... Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

aLreaDy marriEd to Nick! futUre, Past aND prEseNt friEnds hiT me bAckaT [email protected] is the soul of body and realizing that the other person is not perfect...putting emphasis on what you love, and accepting that person for the individual they are...


MARIAH CAREY; uShEr; jOhn LegEnd; ciAra; jOss sTonE; aLiciA kEys; cHrisTinA a; bEyonCe; kAnyE weSt; tAmiA; kYLa (rNb pRincEss -piNas); jOjO; jUstiN tiMbeRlAke; b2K ... mOre oN hiPhoP aNd rNb

Music Video: OVER IT - Katharine McPhee
Music Video: NO AIR - Jordin Sparks


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jErRy sPriNgEr; cHeaTerS; fRiEndS; mEet tHe bArkERs; tHe pRincE oF bEL aiR; so rAveN; VH1; piMp mA riDe; mAkiN oF thE bAnd3; pUnk'd; iRon cHefs aMeriCa; oPrAh; tRL; OxyGen; eVerydAy iTaLY; eMeriL (fOOd nEtwOrk fOr 24/7); ER; cOuRT jUstiCe; bAby LoOnEy tUNes


tHe Eyes tHat wAtchEs gOd... tHe reveLatiOns of HeLL... GRACE foR tHe mOmenT


mOmmA, gRandmA, paPpa, bRothErs ... mY hOnEy ., hE thOughT mE gOoD tHingS aNd nEvEr faiL 2 eDucatE mE eVeryDay, i LeArned hOw 2 vAluE mYselF aNd i HaV gReaTeR rEspEcT fOr d tHinGs i wAsnt aWare oN pOssEsSinG, hE mAkeS suRe 2 tElL mE hOw beAutifUl i Am or aCknoWledge eVen d SmaLLesT tHingS i dO fOr hIm aNd aLL d GooD tHingS i dO foR oThEr peOple, nOt bcOz hiS my hUsbAnd bUt bCz i deSerVe aLl d aTtEntiOn

My Blog

aNotheR cHristmAs w/oUt u BaBy

this is another christmas without u honey and i feel so sad. i know were going to be together soon. i miss u so badly and i long for you everynight. i wish we are together this time of the year but i...
Posted by jOycE on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST