sLeepiNg... i sPent hOurs wAtchiNg t.V (iM a TV bUff)... mOviEs (bUt nOt a biG fAn)... gYm (onCe iN a wHiLe)... cHat... iNterNet... eAtiNg oUt / coOking... Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
aLreaDy marriEd to Nick! futUre, Past aND prEseNt friEnds hiT me bAckaT [email protected] is the soul of body and realizing that the other person is not perfect...putting emphasis on what you love, and accepting that person for the individual they are...
MARIAH CAREY; uShEr; jOhn LegEnd; ciAra; jOss sTonE; aLiciA kEys; cHrisTinA a; bEyonCe; kAnyE weSt; tAmiA; kYLa (rNb pRincEss -piNas); jOjO; jUstiN tiMbeRlAke; b2K ... mOre oN hiPhoP aNd rNb
Music Video: OVER IT - Katharine McPhee
Music Video: NO AIR - Jordin Sparks
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jErRy sPriNgEr; cHeaTerS; fRiEndS; mEet tHe bArkERs; tHe pRincE oF bEL aiR; so rAveN; VH1; piMp mA riDe; mAkiN oF thE bAnd3; pUnk'd; iRon cHefs aMeriCa; oPrAh; tRL; OxyGen; eVerydAy iTaLY; eMeriL (fOOd nEtwOrk fOr 24/7); ER; cOuRT jUstiCe; bAby LoOnEy tUNes
tHe Eyes tHat wAtchEs gOd... tHe reveLatiOns of HeLL... GRACE foR tHe mOmenT
mOmmA, gRandmA, paPpa, bRothErs ... mY hOnEy ., hE thOughT mE gOoD tHingS aNd nEvEr faiL 2 eDucatE mE eVeryDay, i LeArned hOw 2 vAluE mYselF aNd i HaV gReaTeR rEspEcT fOr d tHinGs i wAsnt aWare oN pOssEsSinG, hE mAkeS suRe 2 tElL mE hOw beAutifUl i Am or aCknoWledge eVen d SmaLLesT tHingS i dO fOr hIm aNd aLL d GooD tHingS i dO foR oThEr peOple, nOt bcOz hiS my hUsbAnd bUt bCz i deSerVe aLl d aTtEntiOn