www.FLIPITBIG.com profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

About a year ago I was talking to an associate about an idea that I had to create an online real estate investing community. I had a pretty good idea in my head on how it would look, but no idea how to make it happen. I stored the idea in the back of my mind and continued with my regular business.

A few months ago I was on a different real estate community and saw a post from a guy named Gerald. He was trying to recruit investors that wanted to have their house flips filmed. I contacted him and we started talking.. turns out Gerald had the exact same vision I did about creating a real estate community. The cool part is that he is a Systems Network Engineer... that means he's real smart at the computer stuff!!

We decided to team up and within a week we met a guy named Steve Brown. Steve is a Homevestors franchise owner down in Mobile, AL. He's been around investing for about 10 years and he actually flipped 88 houses last year. 88 HOUSES!! He is involved with all aspects of real estate from wholesaling to flipping to rentals. Guess what? He also had the same vision as Gerald and I. The three of us talked, got a game plan together, became partners, and launched www.FLIPITBIG.com.

Our shared vision is to make www.FLIPITBIG.com a one stop site for all of your investing needs, sort of a real estate grocery store. Some of our features on the site are weekly chats (you vote on the topic), interactive forums, a FIB store that is growing daily, monthly webinars with guest speakers, and even a place where you can come solicit your own business. I could go on and on about the features on our site (not to mention many many MANY more features to come!), but I think it's best if you go check it out for yourself.

If you already are a member there, thank you! If your a member and aren't an active member... what are you waiting on? Come on in and be a part of the Flip It Big Team!!

Flip it Big Site Links:

Form Download: Free Forms
REI Club List: Real Estate Investing Club Directory
Forum: Forum to discuss issues, questions, etc.
Social Groups: This is similar to Yahoo Groups or MySpace Groups.
Articles: Articles on Technology, Current Events, Real Estate and more.
Classifieds/Auctions: Sell your house, contracts, misc. items here.
Photo Gallery: Share photos of upcoming or past projects. Landscaping, anything your heart desires!
Photo Vote: Post photos and have members vote on them.
Link Directory: Link Exchange
BLOG: Blog about anything you like!
Chat: Real Time Chat system integrated into our site. Public, Private, and Member Chat's available.

My Interests

Real estate investing!!!

I'd like to meet:

Donald Trump, Richard Davis, GINGER from Trademark (she's so hot), anybody interested in real estate.


All kinds... well, except country.


Flip That House, Flip This House, Real Estate Pros, Property Ladder.


Think and Grow Rich, any Robert Kiyosaki book, Think Big and Kick ASS!!


Richard Davis, period.