David wants you to check out a photo on MySpace
HH Dalai Lama in Seattle
David wants you to check out a photo on MySpace
HH Dalai Lama in Seattle
CLICK THIS WIDGET TO SEE MY PHOTOS ON 'FLICKR' :PHOTOGRAPHY, SKIING, Backcountry-Wilderness & River Treks, Canoeing & Kyaking, Hiking & Camping, HutTrips & HotSprings, Caving, Climbing & Exploring, Astronomy & Geology, Biking, SnowShoeing, WaterSkiing to V-Ball, Reading, OldSigns & LicensePlates, FleaMarkets & Antiquing, Green-EcoBuilding & CustomConstruction, Scouting & Community Service I'm an outdoor enthusiast & photo naturalist and love the mountains and rivers but can have just as much fun from the desert to the beach. I've been skiing since I started camping, hiking and photographing at the age of 10 and was a ski instructor last season at Keystone (still skiing a couple times a month through the last 2 summers). Cycling and mountain-biking are also favorite activities and I love to stay up late watching a current meteor shower, taking a moon-lit hike or a night-canoe ride. Cats & dogs have been an integral part of my life since I was little and I appreciate & respect all wildlife. Canoeing, kyaking and basic climbing are also favorite sports and I have taught these activities along with survival, astronomy and geology over 12 years of scout summer camp staffs with 10 years in a row as director of High Adventure at 2 of Texas' largest wilderness camps. My family is also very important to me and I enjoy doing all the above activities with them whenever possible. In all activities, I use my camera as a documentary device but am most interested in nature/landscape & action photography (& plan to have more published and grow my photo business). I freelance ski-action photos for several resorts in my area and also contribute to the Summit Daily News about once a week. I seek the road less travelled and (always) find spirituality in nature. I admire community service and still chip in whenever possible.
The Beatles*, Bread, Cat Stevens, Jimi Hendrix*, Led Zeppelin*, Johnny Winter, Pink Floyd*, Eric Clapton, Jethro Tull, Santana, Rush, Yes, BOC, ELP, ZZ Top, WillieNelson-n-Friends,B-52's, The TalkingHeads-The G.Dead-The Stones-The Who, U2, LinkinPark, Nickelback, Spearhead, R&B*Reggae, StevieRayVaughn*SRV Classical*Moz,Bach&Beethvn
2001... (and all of Kubrick's masterpieces!), PlanetOfTheApes(Original), THX-1138, Star Wars, Star Trek, ET, Alien, ApocalypseNow, Apacalypto, TheBlueAngel, TheSeventhSeal, AnOccurrenceAtOwlCreek Bridge, GoneWithTheWind, LittleBigMan, TheLastOfTheMohicans, DancesWithWolves, ForrestGump, MP's/SearchForTheHolyGrail, OhBrotherWhereArtThou, Kill Bill II, Curse of the GoldenFlower, CrouchingTigerHiddenDragon
Try not to zone too much, but faves are : NationalGeographic, History, Discovery, AnimalPlanet, PBS, NASA
BOOKS: BuryMyHeartAtWoundedKnee, LameDeer-SeekerOfVisions, J.LivingstonSeagull, Walden, BraveNewWorld, 2001..., TheMonkeyWrenchGang, A SeparateReality, BeHereNow, Tao Te Ching, The Bible... AUTHORS: Brown, LameDeer, Bach, Thoreau, Huxley, Clarke, Abbey, Castenada, BabaRamDass et.al, Lao Tzu, God ..
Mom & Dad, Bro-Scott, Sister's(Kim & Chris), Cuz's(Mike & Serge), Unc's (Jasp & Whitey), G-Ma's&Pa's Others: G.Washington, Lewis&Clark, RedCloud,CrazyHorse&SittingBull, A.Lincoln, T.Edison, A.Einstein, MLK, JFK, M.Ghandi, DalaiLama, JohnMuir,AnselAdams &EdwardAbbey, BillW., DrBob&MotherTheresa EtAl: Buddha, Mohammed & Jesus .. .. ..