Gosia profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I live in a city of artists who influence on me everyday.
So don't expect that I'm all the time a shy, polite and cute girlie.
I try to treat my life more serious and be more balanced.
But it's so short...

30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill

My Interests

music, journalism, photography, dancing, looking after the children, and more, and more, and more ;)...


Music is my passion. Music is a way of relaxation. It also makes me feel more energetic. I dislike music which I call as 'used for aerobics'- excess of artificial plastic sound, lack of lyricks. It's difficult to list all bands which I respect. I like music played on a guitar, music which is acoustic, music which is natural...
My Friend Space - here you can find a lot of bands, a lot of clever people who create music. Frankly speaking I don't listen to all of them. "So for what she puts them into her friend space?!" Because I think that music should be promoted in any way possible (if the artist agrees, oc ;) ). And the fact that I don't listen to this or that kind of music, doesn't mean that my friends or other people visiting this www can't fall for it. Simple.


"Green Mile", "The Hours", "The city of angels", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "The Sky", "Perfume" and plenty of valuable movies about The People...




For me these are people who live their own lives, they do the stuff which makes them happy and they don't restrict anybody's freedom.