Matt profile picture


There is something about the FIRE of GOD!!!!!!

About Me

I enjoy fire, in a literal sense, and a spiritual one, which is actually more literal i think haha. I have had dreams of fire consuming me but not burning me, I have also seen flames surrounding people in dreams. FIRE MMM GOOD!!!I also like spending time with my puppy Pedro. He likes going for walks by the creek and or river. I freakin love being in Tahlequah during the summer river time is amazing!!!! I really enjoy people. And doing things like going for a drive, reading a book, watching a movie or whatever.

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My Interests

Fire walls, lightening, flying, floating, walking through walls, walking on water, smoke, walking on air, healing the sick, raising the dead, ice skating on water, visions, dreams, trances, 3rd heavens experiences, angelic visitations, becoming fire.

I'd like to meet:

and Paul Cane, but i cant find pictures of him.


I enjoy Songs of Water, Hosty, Duo, The Beatles, JoAnne McFatter, High on the Hog, Molly Williams, They Might Be Giants, Suzy Yaraei, Misty Edwards, Grace Williams, Kelanie Gloeckler, Elephant Revival, Jason Upton, Don Potter, Robert Stearns, Dottie Rambo, Vestal Goodman, Odon Soterias, Chevelle Franklin, Leonard Jones, Morningstar, My Tea Kind......and the list goes on and on....


The End of the Spear, now that was a GREAT movie!! Big Trouble in Little China Center Stage Crash Rundown Princes Bride Benny and June


Heroes!!!!, Office, My Name is Earl, Tudors, So You Think You Can Dance


The New Mystics, by: John Crowder Dream Language, by: Goll


My mom is amazing, she has always been there for me no matter how off the beaten path I have gone.

My Blog


friends are so much more than the people you hang out with.  there are only a handful of people that i would concider really close friends.  Friends are the people you can rely on for anythi...
Posted by Matt on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 12:36:00 PST


 Dont let your past dictate your future..........No matter how horrable things have been in your life, you have to believe that your future will be better.  We cant allow ourselfs to be so f...
Posted by Matt on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:51:00 PST


aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! alright i feel better now..
Posted by Matt on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 10:04:00 PST

Not alone

All my life I have had dreams and mental visions about some wild things that I believed God was showing me.  Things that would defy the laws of nature to show the power of God and prove He is rea...
Posted by Matt on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 01:34:00 PST


The grace of God amazes me, no wonder that song was writen.  I am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  Man, God knows exactly how to get our attention and to reveal to us where we...
Posted by Matt on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 02:34:00 PST


Well we just got back from Detroit where God moved in such supernatural ways that I was astounded.  I have never seen God move the way He did there, healing people and setting people free.  ...
Posted by Matt on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 11:18:00 PST

Getting ready

Well, we leave for Saint Maarten in less than a week, I am sooo freakin excited that I cant stand it.  I have no idea really what to expect.  It is going to be a week long conference on rest...
Posted by Matt on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 08:30:00 PST


No matter how you look at things, you have to admit that God is so much bigger than all of us.  Tonight I saw Him touch a friend in such a way that there was a night and day difference.  I a...
Posted by Matt on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 11:11:00 PST


Some times I get so flustered with God because I cant figure out what he is doing.  I have a hard time letting go of my own agenda so he can do what he wants.  Finally letting go of everythi...
Posted by Matt on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:33:00 PST


Some times when i worship I wish it were possible to rip my flesh off so that I could worship God like I feel.  There are so many times that i dont know how to express myself to Him and so many d...
Posted by Matt on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 07:57:00 PST