Traveling... the sense of exploration and adventure thrills me. Languages - I find the study of linguistics fascinating... Spanish is my second language and I love it... I adore books - especially fantasy - I like to escape... I also really enjoy writing... Running, sailing, hiking, dancing! Biking... Dramatic arts! Yes, in L.A. for acting... I love to enjoy this life and I am always doing something! I don't waste time. Integrity is important, caring for people and being loyal. Photography... Poetry... I love to enjoy life and make the most out of it with integrity, passion, and with a sense of God's presence within and all around. Nothing soothes me more than a wide blue ocean, silence, the wind in the trees, a thunderstorm, birdsong, a visit from an old dear friend, rainy days and the inspiration it brings, the nostalgia of a sunny day - especially an Indian Summer, a clear morning when I have the time to take a walk in the light of a new day, a quiet evening spent peacefully in the arms of my Love, a nap in the afternoon with Eddie when I sink into his arms and breathe deeply and rest my soul. There are many things in this life to marvel at, and no better way than to allow ourselves to do so.
Okay: Jesus, Ghandi, Bono (U2 baby) Mother Teresa, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Orlando Bloom (tee hee hee), Bob Hope, Morgan Freeman, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett...
I simply LOVE music - who doesn't? It speaks to all of us, it is as Universal as a smile, a kiss, or tears. U2 is my ultimate favorite... I really enjoy Irish / Celtic Music. It speaks to my heart. I really enjoy Latino music as well - I have a special love for that... I also like house music! Classical music is great - but especially live. Handel's Messiah moves me. Enya, Loreena McKennit, Dave Matthews, good Raggae! Willie Nelson, Kenny Rogers, Natalie Merchant, Budha Bar/Lounge, the Ashes and Snow Exhibit Soundtrack! Josh Groban, Pavaroti... My friend Laura's music - so haunting with her harp! Waking Ned Divine Soundtrack. 80's music rocks! Hip-hop I never tire of when dancing. I really enjoy soundtracks: Last of the Mohicans, Lord of the Rings, Gladiator... The list could go on forever.
Oooh... I am a movie buff. Okay... Goonies is my vintage favorite. All and anything Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, Pirates of the Carribean, Waking Ned Divine! Also... Chocolat, Love Actually, Last of the Mohicans, Little Shop Around the Corner, White Squall, Stand By Me, Romancing the Stone, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, The Black Stallion has some of the best Cinematography for it's time and still does. The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music bring me to my childhood hard and fast! Il Postino, Amelie, La Lengua de La Mariposa is beautiful, Tristan and Isolde, and the new BOND MOVIE!! And on and on. I love movies.
I don't watch TV but when I did, I loved the Cosby Show! Friends of course... The little I have seen of Sex and the City has been great! I also like the British show Coupling. Hilarious. Other than that I love the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet, and also America's Funniest Home Videos. I used to come home and watch MTV as a kid instead of cartoons and dance to Madonna! Never been a huge TV fan.
The Lord of the Rings series, Chronicles of Narnia series, Beauty, War and Peace, Ivanhoe, Frankenstein, the Count of Monte Cristo, A Severe Mercy, Mere Christianity, Mists of Avalon, 100 Years of Solitude, Harry Potter series, The Red Pony, The Old Man and the Sea, Bram Stoker's Dracula, How the Irish Saved Civilization to name just a few off the top of my head! Books are some of my most prized possessions and greatest satisfaction.
God, My departed friend Nick, my Mom and Dad, my Grandparents, Jacques Cousteau (since I was little!), Bono, my brother, and my love and light, Eduardo. Photobucket Album