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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Moved again..but hey, at least it is in the same city. I don't know many people who have moving karma like we do! Still thinking about removing my page, but I guess it's an ego Im special enough to have stalkers! More About Me
I'm a SAHM vaisnavi and aspiring personal chef with a wonderful husband and daughter (Keli Lalita). I've been fortunate to have lived many places, visited foreign lands, come from a mixed background(lots of people can't figure it out..filipino city girl mixed with a Tennessee hillbilly) and met different people. God does not just "bless America" but everyone. Hare Krsna!
I'm typically not a political person but if you are a sane, intelligent, human being in the US, who wants big government to go away and stop policing the world and get back your freedom, vote for Ron Paul 2008.

My Interests

Vegetarian/Vegan Cooking & Uncooking,
Web Design,
Vedic Astrology ,
Natural Parenting
WoW - help!
Being thrifty/ environmental issues

I'd like to meet:

People that are pure of heart, have no desire for sex life, no desire for name, fame, and adoration, unattached to the ego, friends, family, society, and nation, and who have truly dedicated their life to the ultimate goal - bhakti yoga. Someone not like me! Will I find you on MySpace? Ha...99.999% not.....but nevertheless, we are all trying in some respect. Please don't fake it and fall down! Old school buddies, vegetarians, new interesting people, devotees..all are welcome!


Srila Prabhupada
Traditional bhajans - no creepy ISKCON guru music please!
Old-school Hare Krishna music (Acyutananda, old kirtans)
Jagit & Chitra Singh
Mangalananda das
dj Cheb i Sabbah
Sitar..Sarod..Tabla instrumental ragas
Lifescapes CDs
Putumayo CDs
Children's Songs with my daughter (Wee Sing, Little Vaisnava)
Bob Marley
Music I used to listen to in my previous lives :) WoW music -hahahaha


Fanciful Movies - Wizard of Oz, Neverending Story, Labyrinth, Krull, Time Bandits, any Monty Python flicks, Jim Henson movies
Some science fiction
Seems like the fantasy genre of movies is dying or going all more puppets, creative costuming etc :(
Hindi Vaisnava movies - Love Sita's Wedding
Musicals, Rodgers & Hammerstein


TV, not religion, is the opium of today's people, broadcasting consumerism, sex, immorality, meat eating etc as the norm. It keeps everyone hanging on the words of news anchors, celebrities, politicians and gives you a false reality. It makes you dumb, fat and keeps you from thinking about real problems. Read some books :) and get OUTSIDE!


I don't read fiction...especially modern fiction
I like books that teach something practical.
Currently reading Jan 2008:
The China Study
Eat to Live
various other cookbooks
Looking for a copy of "Twinkie Deconstructed"
Always a good read: Bhagavad Gita As It Is


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami (Srila Prabhupada)

Those who have been able to never falter from their spiritual vows and genuinely see all living entities as part of God
Srila Prabhupada at Rathayatra..dancing :)

Lord Caitanya's Moon Is Rising